This is the most effective mosquito remedy. Be careful, it can be dangerous to your health

Mosquitoes, ticks and other insects that “like” to bite people can make many rest in the bosom of nature (and not only) unpleasant. So most of us are looking for various means of deterring uninvited guests. Some of them, however, may be dangerous to our health. What to pay attention to when choosing them?

  1. As the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate reminds us, products intended to repel mosquitoes and ticks must have special permits
  2. If such permits are missing, their effectiveness and, above all, safety are highly questionable
  3. The list of proven repellants can be found on the website of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Products that repel mosquitoes and ticks must have an appropriate permit, they should be used as intended and in the manner specified by the manufacturer. Only then will they be safe and effective – reminds GIS.

Products designed to repel mosquitoes and ticks in order to protect themselves against their bites and the risks associated with them are biocidal products – GIS emphasizes in the Thursday statement.

The license is a measure of safety

Only biocidal products that have a relevant permit may be made available on the market and used in the territory of Poland. These products are subject to entry in the List of Biocidal Products, which is available on the website of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

«There are many products on the market today that are designed to repel mosquitoes, ticks and other insects. Most of them are in the form of oils, emulsions, sprays and liquids, but more and more often you can find repellants in the form of patches or bracelets containing essential oils. It is worth remembering that repellants without authorization, regardless of their form, may not show the suggested insect repellent effect, and even if their action is effective, their use may pose a threat to life and health.»- emphasizes GIS.

“Particular attention should be paid to products purchased in online stores and e-commerce platforms, as well as in unofficial distribution channels and from entities that do not conduct official business activity”, emphasizes the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.

GIS also points out that only authorized biocidal products, when used as intended and in the manner specified by the manufacturer, are products with proven performance that can be safely and effectively used. (PAP)

Author: Agata Zbieg

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MUGGA offers an effective and safe mosquito remedy. You will find a kit for mosquitoes and ticks (50% DEET spray + bite balm) at Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to ecology. How to be eco and not go crazy? How can we care for our planet on a daily basis? What and how to eat? You will hear about this and many other topics related to ecology in the new episode of our podcast.

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