Lung cancer – it is because of it that 24 thousand people die in Poland every year. oncological patients. As much as 80 percent of them cannot be helped because they are diagnosed too late. The deputy minister of health announced that in 2020 lung cancer treatment will be a priority in the field of public health.

  1. A report prepared by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) says that compared to 11 European countries, Poland fares the worst in terms of mortality and incidence of lung cancer
  2. There is a lack of coordination in the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures – believes prof. Maciej Krzakowski, national consultant in the field of clinical oncology
  3. Dr hab. Adam Maciejczyk, president of the Polish Cancer Society, emphasizes that we will be able to see the effects of introducing modern drug therapies in Poland only in a few years

During the annual conference “Priorities in Healthcare 2020”, the conclusions of the “Breathing in a new era” report prepared by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The report covers the health policy of 11 European countries in the fight against lung cancer – it talks about the results of treatment and the possibilities of improving them. This is only the first phase of research. Data analysis for another 16 countries has already started.

Poland at the bottom of the list

The report, which, apart from Poland, took into account Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Great Britain, did not look favorably for our country. We have the highest percentage of mortality and incidence of lung canceras well as the highest DALY rate. This indicator measures the number of years lost due to illness or premature death. Therefore, we need systemic solutions that will improve the epidemiological situation. Deputy Minister of Health Sławomir Gadomski, who was present at the conference, said that 2020 will be the year of lung cancer in Poland.

Lung cancer – the biggest killer among cancer

Today, cancer causes one death in Europe, according to the report. Lung cancer is responsible for one in five deaths among cancer patients. In Poland, 24 die of it every year. people. Dr. Mary Bussell, who represented EIU at the conference, noted that this type of cancer causes more deaths each year than colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer combined. As emphasized by Aleksandra Rudnicka, spokesman of the Polish Coalition of Oncological Patients, in Poland drug programs related to the treatment of colorectal cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer cost the state treasury a total of PLN 1 billion. Expenditure on lung cancer treatment under ministerial programs amounted to only PLN 160 million.

Also read: Lung cancer – facts and myths

Priority in oncological treatment

According to oncologists, systemic solutions to fight lung cancer are a must. The biggest problems are poor recognition and insufficient availability of treatment. Patients see a doctor too late. Most patients do not qualify for radical treatment due to the advanced advancement of the neoplastic changes.

– Lung cancer it is most often diagnosed in stage III and IV. For example, in the province stage III and IV of Lower Silesia constitutes an average of 60-70 percent. all lung cancer cases. This is due to the fact that lung cancer has been asymptomatic for a long time, but also because we have not had any screening tests so far. Fortunately, regional programs are already running lung cancer prophylaxis, for example in the province Pomeranian Voivodeship under the supervision of prof. Roman from UCK. A carefully selected group is subjected to a low-dose tomography examination – these are mainly smokers and elderly people with a history of smoking. Because smoking is responsible for 90 percent. lung cancer – says dr hab. Adam Maciejczyk, president of the Polish Society of Oncology.

How is the fight against lung cancer in Poland?

National consultant in the field of clinical oncology, prof. Maciej Krzakowski, during the conference, pointed to the failure of the system, which lacks coordination when it comes to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Poland already has lung cancer strategy. In 2017, it was developed by a team of experts from the Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, the Polish Lung Cancer Group and the Polish League for Fighting Cancer. However, the implementation of this strategy is difficult, inter alia, due to the staffing situation. There is a shortage of pathologists (in terms of their number, we are in the penultimate place in Europe) and centers that could comprehensively deal with lung cancer patients. The Minister of Health assured that another Lung Cancer Unity should be established soon. The first unit of this type in Poland was established at the Medical University of Bialystok and the University Clinical Hospital. Creating a network of Lung Cancer Units is a great opportunity to shorten the time from the start of diagnostics to the implementation of therapy.

See also: Doctors are aging – almost one in four should be retired. The personnel crisis was announced as early as 20 years ago

Lung cancer is difficult to cure, and the presented report shows that it is in our country 600–1000 days elapse from the moment of drug registration to entering it into the drug program.

– Only recently we have available all modern drugs (immunotherapy), used in patients with very advanced disease. But we will see the effects of this only in a few years. Stereotactic radiotherapy brings good results in elderly patients with mild disease, as the research conducted in the Netherlands has shown, comments the president of the PTO.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Tumors in numbers. More and more cancer patients
  2. What cancers do Poles suffer from most often?
  3. Benign and malignant neoplasms – typology

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