This is the easiest way to catch the Omikron BA. 5. Five dangerous behaviors
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Although the latest wave of coronavirus, both in Poland and in many other countries, is starting to weaken, we still do not know what the future will look like and when the pandemic will end. The coronavirus is evolving all the time, some people will be infected several times, even despite vaccinations. Experts list several elements that make the virus much more likely to reach us. Here are the five most important of them.

  1. The Omicron sub-variant BA.5 is currently dominant in the world. It is the most infectious of all to date
  2. It is difficult to predict what new variants will emerge, but as scientists we cannot rule out that they will lead to an exacerbation of the disease and higher rates of hospitalization, warns Prof. Suresh V. Kuchipudi, specialist in infectious diseases
  3. Therefore, we must constantly do everything to minimize the risk of infection. Or, in other words, avoid behaviors that put us at greater risk
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

What behaviors are the most likely to expose us to Omicron BA.5 contamination? Experts note that you are at greatest risk of infection if you:

You’re not wearing a mask

Regardless of the currently dominant coronavirus variant, several things are indisputable. One of them is wearing a mask as part of protection against infection. Its lack in crowded places, especially indoors, can increase the risk of contracting COVID-19.

«If COVID-19 spreads in your area, stay safe by taking simple precautions such as walking distance, wearing a mask, ventilating rooms properly, avoiding crowds, washing your hands and coughing on a bent elbow or a handkerchief. Also check the local regulations in the place of residence and work », urges the World Health Organization.

«Make wearing the mask a constant part of your stay in large groups. In order for masks to be effective protection, they must be properly used, stored and cleaned or changed »stresses the WHO.

You are traveling irresponsibly

In many countries, masks are still in force in mass transport, including airplanes, and at airports. However, a significant proportion of travelers do not follow these rules, making these places a high-risk area of ​​contracting the coronavirus.

Virologists constantly call for the necessity to wear masks in places where people from different regions mix. The American virologist Angela Rasmussen recently spoke after she witnessed few people wearing facial masks at one of the US airports.

– This happens when there are no politicians and experts taking a firm stand on this matter – he says.

You ignore epidemic indicators

In Poland, as in other countries, daily reports on the current numbers related to infection take into account not only national data, but also those at the voivodeship and poviat level. The situation is not the same everywhere. Therefore, tracking the number and structure of cases in the immediate area is crucial to adjusting behavior to the level of risk.

“Many people have some degree of protection from the coronavirus, either because of vaccination, previous infection, or a combination of both. This immunity, along with the availability of tests and treatments, significantly reduces the risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19. At the same time, part of the population, such as the elderly, with chronic diseases or disabilities, have reduced immunity and are still at greater risk of serious disease »reminds the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

You don’t keep your distance

If we are dealing with a large number of infections in our area, we should be especially careful in closed crowded rooms. This applies to everyone, especially those who are more prone to infections. These rules are, first and foremost, wearing masks and keeping social distance.

– Confined spaces full of people are places where you are most likely to catch the virus. Therefore, you must remember to keep your distance. If you cannot avoid visiting such a place and you do not have a mask, make sure it is well ventilated. If you take care of all the elements of prophylaxis, the chances of avoiding infection will increase, says Dr. Robert Wachter, president of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of California.

You still haven’t got vaccinated

Finally, the most important element – according to experts – of coronavirus-related prophylaxis, i.e. vaccination. While the emerging variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, especially the now dominant Omikron, are becoming more and more contagious and affect even vaccinated and previously infected people, vaccines and booster doses protect against the serious consequences of contracting COVID-19.

– The fact that some people get sick despite being vaccinated may be confusing or frustrating for some people and contribute to their reluctance to vaccinate. However, you have to be aware that vaccines protect against serious disease and death, but not necessarily against infection, says Prof. Suresh V. Kuchipudi, specialist in infectious diseases.

How to minimize the risk of getting COVID-19?

The pandemic has been going on for the third year now. In order to make it end sooner rather than later, we should follow the rules that have been known for a long time.

You are not sure if your ailments indicate COVID-19? Reach for a convenient antigen test that you can do yourself at home. You will find it in Medonet Market.

Specialists most often mention:

  1. follow the rules of sanitary safety,
  2. get vaccinated and take a booster dose
  3. wear a mask in places where the risk of infection is greater,
  4. keep your distance,
  5. avoid crowds and places where there is the greatest risk of virus transmission,
  6. in closed rooms, limit contacts with people with whom you do not live,
  7. wash your hands.

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