This is one of the healthiest fruits. Test your knowledge about apples. Take our quiz

Apples are among Poles’ favorite fruits. And very well! After all, they are called the healthiest fruit in the world for a reason. Their impact on the human body is enormous. What are the health properties of apples, what vitamins do they have the most, how many calories do they contain? Test yourself in our quiz. The more that the apple season is now on!

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Which fruit has fewer calories?

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Watermelon Next question
100 g of apples contain approx. 50 kcal, 100 g of watermelon is approx. 30 kcal.

Which vitamin is the most in apples?

Vitamins C.
Vitamins A.
Vitamins B1
Vitamins C. Next question
100 g of apple contains about 4,6 mg (although the amount of this compound depends on many factors, including the variety of apples). One apple covers an average of about 18 percent. demand for vitamin C. Source: https: //kobieta.TvoiLokony/zdrowie/profilaktyka/jablka- czas-lecza-szym-szkodza-tlumaczy-dietetyk/hpb2s#slajd-1

Why is it better to keep apples away from other fruits?

The neighborhood of apples makes the taste of other fruits worse
Apples attract the most fruit flies
Apples make other fruits go bad faster
Apples make other fruits go bad faster Next question
It is worth keeping apples away from other fruits, which start to spoil faster. Ethylene secretes apples. It’s worth noting that this substance also makes the fruit ripen faster – sometimes it’s worth taking advantage of.

Can apples be eaten in any quantity every day?

No Next question
With a large amount of apples consumed, bloating and abdominal pain may appear. They may result from fermentation processes taking place in the body. In such situations, it is best to limit the amount of fruit consumed to 1-3 a day.

Why is apples best eaten with the peel?

They taste better
We will avoid possible flatulence
There are the most vitamins under the peel
There are the most vitamins under the peel Next question
The most vitamins are concentrated just under the skin. It is worth remembering that almost half of the fiber in apples is in the peel, you will also find folic acid there. Of course, we wash the fruit thoroughly before eating. Source:

How many calories does one medium-sized apple contain?

Approx. 40
Approx. 90
Approx. 160
Approx. 90 Next question
Apples, regardless of the variety, are low in calories. One medium apple contains about 90 calories.

Do apples have a beneficial effect on teeth?

Roof Next question
Apples are often called a “natural toothbrush”. Why? Firstly, by eating hard fruit we remove plaque from the teeth, and secondly, eating apples increases saliva production, which means less bacteria in the mouth and protection against plaque. Attention, eating apples is not a substitute for brushing your teeth!

Apples contain a lot of fiber. Thanks to this:

They prevent digestive problems and constipation
They reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attack
Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
Thanks to the high fiber content, apples reduce the absorption of cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis and heart attacks. In addition, the pectin contained in apple fiber support the work of the intestines, facilitating the excretion of unnecessary metabolic products.

Apples and roses have something in common?

Roof Next question
Both apple trees and roses belong to the rose family, as are plums, pears, cherries and raspberries.

Szara Reneta is an old monastic variety of apples, perfect for baking or preserving. Which picture shows a gray renet?

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
A Next question
Apple Tree Gray Reneta comes from France. It was probably bred around 1650 in a Cistercian monastery. These apples do not look very appetizing, but they are perfect for apple pie or drying.

Research has shown that including apples in your diet reduces the risk of cancer, including:

Bowel cancer
Liver cancer
Breast cancer
All answers are correct
All answers are correct Next question
Compounds in apple peel (called triterpenoids) have been shown to kill cancer cells or at least inhibit their growth. It concerned breast, liver and intestine cancers, including colon (additional protection against this type of cancer is provided by fiber, which is abundant in apples).

Apples improve the condition of skin, hair and nails – true or false?

Truth Next question
Apples help maintain the health and condition of hair, skin and nails. All thanks to the fact that they contain calcium and silicon.

The purchased fruit must be washed. When is the best time to do this?

Photo: Shutterstock
Right after you bring it home
Immediately before consumption
Each time is right
Immediately before consumption Next question
The apples are best washed just before consumption. Water washes away the protective layer from the apple peel, which accelerates the process of rotting the fruit.

Apples have a beneficial effect on immunity – true or false?

Truth Next question
Apples contain flavonoids – compounds that act as dyes, which have the ability to stimulate cells of the immune system and seal endothelial cells.

To get the most out of the health benefits of apples, it’s best to eat them:

Briefly stewed, preferably with a little fat, e.g. butter
Raw and skinned
Raw and skinned Next question
Apples are best eaten raw and with the skin (thoroughly washed beforehand), of course, if there are no health contraindications.
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Apples are probably not your favorite fruit. We hope this quiz has shown you that they are worth eating because they are unique!
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