
How to understand that a person enters into a relationship not because of love, but to solve their problems at your expense? What if he just wants to attract the attention of the former, to assert himself or to strengthen his own financial situation? How to recognize such manipulations?

The need for status

A man starts a relationship in order to become his own in a certain environment and correspond to the level declared in it.

Main features:

  1. Exaggerated demands on their half: pickiness, constant criticism, emphasis on the perfect appearance, clothes, hairstyle, makeup, and so on.

  2. A minimum of time to be alone: ​​he prefers to take you to public places and various events and show you as an image “attribute”.

  3. Lack of interest in your problems and experiences: he is more concerned that you do not get better, be well-groomed and look 100% in any situation.

Usually, such relationships last until it creates unnecessary inconvenience for the man and until the woman ceases to follow the rules of the game for some reason.

The need for sex

Nobody canceled the physiology, often the partner from the relationship only needs this item.

Main features:

  1. All visits are shifted to the evening, he always arrives quite late, after which he naturally stays for the night.

  2. Secrecy: a man prefers to spend time exclusively together, does not invite you to restaurants or cinema, does not invite you to visit him, does not introduce you to friends, colleagues or relatives.

  3. Minimum communication: no soulful conversations, discussions of life plans or the desire to learn about personal tastes and preferences. Most of the time he prefers to spend in bed games.

Relationships are built solely on sex. And this is what such a man requires from you. He is not ready for commitment and runs away at the first hint of a relationship.

The need for self-assertion

This type feels the need for constant confirmation of its significance, relevance and uniqueness. He is looking for a relationship that will give him a sense of superiority.

Main features:

  1. Constant comparison: a man compares himself to you. And of course, he wins on all counts.

  2. Self-praise: the partner is not shy about saying that he is better, smarter, more successful and more beautiful. He seeks to level your advantages and scrupulously lists all your shortcomings, even fictional ones.

  3. Authority and authoritarianism: he enjoys humiliating women, dominating. Often he requires complete submission, painfully reacts to the slightest criticism addressed to him. He loves when they demonstrate humility to him, they agree in everything. Strives to always be at the forefront.

In such a relationship, we are not talking about the feelings of the partner at all. Its main purpose is to brush off dust particles from the pedestal and set off the greatness, intelligence and other virtues of a man.

The need for care

Often, this nature of the relationship seduces an immature, infantile personality. It is difficult to build an equivalent alliance with such a person. He needs not so much a sexual partner as a person who will perform parental functions — to care for, care for, instruct, manage and control.

Main features:

  1. Child Behavior: A complete inability to take responsibility, make decisions, and generally act like an adult, regardless of age.

  2. Low sexual activity. He practically does not need intimate relationships: he perceives you as a sublimation of his mother and cannot treat you as a beloved and desired sexual partner.

  3. Lack of masculine qualities: he will not substitute a strong shoulder, will not take care of the interests and needs of his half, will easily spend the last money on his whims.

Such a man feels best with a powerful, purposeful woman who is ready to take the lead in a relationship. In all other cases, the chosen one usually quickly gets tired of the lack of stability and emotional maturity, becomes disappointed and leaves.

Need for money

The desire for material gain is a common motive for creating relationships. In this case, they are built on the principle of «buyer and seller»: one of the partners is ready to pay, and the second uses it.

Main features:

  1. Complaints about failures and difficulties: a man regularly talks about some kind of trouble in his life and money or other material values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbare required for a successful outcome. After receiving funds, it may evaporate.

  2. Stinginess: he never pays for you, in a restaurant or store he may ask you to pay for him under the pretext of a forgotten wallet.

  3. Calculation: before entering into a relationship, he always pays attention to the solvency of the partner or her parents, asks questions like “Where do you used to relax? What position do you hold? What car do you drive?» Sometimes he says directly that he is counting on expensive gifts or full maintenance on certain conditions.

If everything happens in the open and everyone understands what they are getting into, then the life of a couple can turn out quite well. If not, then the consequences may not be very pleasant for both.

Sometimes in a relationship, a man behaves dishonestly. Therefore, it is important to disperse the romantic fog and try to analyze his behavior and actions. This will avoid disappointment and psychological trauma.

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