We think about low immunity mainly when we often catch various types of infections. However, it is worth knowing that our body in many other ways lets us know that our immunity is not the best. What to pay attention to?

  1. Reduced immunity may result from genetic conditions, it also accompanies people with certain diseases
  2. Above all, however, our immunity is influenced by lifestyle and diet
  3. There are several important signals that our body sends us – it’s worth learning to recognize them
  4. How to raise immunity? We can do many things ourselves by changing our daily habits
  5. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

A proper diet and a healthy lifestyle contribute to the maintenance of good immunity. It is extremely important for proper human development. Meanwhile, many factors are responsible for lowering or raising it. How does the body let you know when something is wrong? How to avoid loss of immunity? What should you pay attention to when trying to pick it up?

  1. Immunity protects us from pathogens and we divide it into acquired and innate
  2. Lowered immunity is mainly due to genetic factors or an inappropriate lifestyle and can lead to chronic diseases
  3. Both obesity and underweight adversely affect the immune system
  4. Proper diet and lifestyle can effectively increase immunity
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The body’s immunity – what is it?

We build our immunity from the first days of life. The immune system works differently the immune system, consists in detecting and recognizing dangerous pathogens, i.e. pathogens. This system protects against their harmful effects and prevents the development of diseases. Its mechanism of action is based on the immune response. B lymphocytes recognize an antigen and make antibodies, and T lymphocytes kill cells carrying that antigen.

Resistance we divide into congenital, otherwise non-specific, and acquired (specific). The first is the most important line of defense. It is fast acting and occurs immediately. Most often it leads to inflammation. The latter is based on a more precise but slower process. Acquired immunity receptors are more suited to fighting a particular pathogen. An example of such action can be vaccines that protect against one specific disease entity.

Support your immune system by using the Daily Shield ° for immunity – the supplement was made of a combination of active ingredients that have a positive effect on the immune system.

What makes up the body’s immune system?

The organs that make up the immune system are:

  1. cells involved in the immune response,
  2. absorbent vessels,
  3. lymphatic vessels,
  4. antibodies, cytokines, and the like.

It is the proper cooperation of these organs that affects the good functioning of immunity and protection against pathogens.

Weakening of the immune system – causes

There are many factors that influence decrease in immunity. One of them is an inappropriate lifestyle. Stress, stimulants or an unhealthy diet adversely affect the immune response and definitely increase the risk of infections or infections. Another of them is genetic factors. They may impair the mechanisms of acquired or innate immunity. In this case, the problem is lifelong and there is no chance of a cure.

Reduced immunity – what diseases are associated with it?

Many diseases are accompanied by lowered immunity. Not all of them can be treated, it is only possible to mitigate their effects. Incorrect functioning of the immune system in contact with specific substances or environmental factors takes the form of an allergy. The antibodies misdiagnose the threat and cause inflammation.

  1. Nine diseases that reduce immunity

The most famous disease of the immune system is AIDS. It is a very dangerous disease that is disabling the body’s resistance. It damages the body’s protective barrier, which increases the risk of infections and infections. A lowered immune response also accompanies bulimia, anorexia, and diabetes. It is caused by disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism.

Defense mechanisms supporting the body’s immunity

The human immune system can send information about the fact that the body’s resistance falls. There are many signs that are fairly easy to spot.

  1. The basic symptoms of loss of immunity are increased susceptibility to colds and a feeling of weakness and drowsiness.
  2. The protective barrier of the digestive system limits the growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria. Stomach problems can therefore be another symptom that is worth paying attention to. 
  3. Our skin is the first barrier against microbes. Skin changes are a very important signal that may indicate that immunity is lowered.
  4. Wound healing slower than before is a signal that the body is not doing well enough to clearing up infections.

If you want to support your immunity, as well as take care of the overall condition of your body, reach for Aqua Kick Vitamin C – OstroVit vitamin C powder.

The human body is able to alert about reduced immunity or resulting infections. Therefore, proper observation and response to signals is essential.

If you want to support your body and its immunity, reach for Herbal Monasterium Noni Juice.

Does the diet affect the body’s immunity?

Definitely yes. Any deficiencies or improper diet can be significantly reduced resistance. Organism it needs the right nutrients to function properly. Malnutrition, obesity or a high-fat diet definitely interfere with the immune response. This leads to an increased chance of infections and infections.

To support the immune system, it is worth reaching for CITROCAPS for immunity – a natural dietary supplement available on Medonet Market.

  1. 10 ways to strengthen immunity

The importance of vitamins in increasing and lowering immunity

  1. Vitamin A deficiency may lead to damage to the epidermis, and even disorders of the respiratory or digestive system. Foods that contain vitamin A are: eggs, spinach, pumpkin, and liver. 
  2. Vitamin E, like A, is a very strong antioxidant that has a positive effect on increasing the body’s resistance and is able to reduce DNA damage. It can be found in: nuts, sprouts, olive oil.
  3. According to studies, low vitamin D levels lead to increased susceptibility to infections. It is recommended to use it especially in the autumn and winter period. Oily fish, poultry and offal are sources of vitamin D.
  4. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Works well in relieving inflammation. Its deficiency increases the susceptibility to infections. It is found in products such as citrus, strawberries and Brussels sprouts. You can also buy it in the form of a lemon-flavored OstroVit shot.
  5. Vitamin B6 and B12 eliminate fatigue and lethargy, thanks to which they support the body’s immunity. In addition, B12 supports better absorption of active ingredients. Foods rich in these vitamins include sauerkraut, potatoes and pods. 

In addition to natural sources of vitamins, you can also reach for supplements available in pharmacies, which are especially helpful, for example in the autumn and winter season, when it is difficult to access fresh vegetables and fruit.

To strengthen immunity and improve the body’s efficiency, use Life Energy – a strengthening dietary supplement with royal jelly Propolia BeeYes or Panacea Immunity – liquid supplement Pharmovit. See other Supplements for immunity available in the Medonet Market offer.

  1. How to increase immunity? The five most important rules

The importance of minerals in increasing and lowering immunity

  1. Zinc has a positive effect on the immune system. It takes an active part in the processes of cell division, growth and maturation. Its deficiency leads to a reduction in the number of lymphocytes. The source of zinc is groats, rice and crabs.
  2. Deficiency iron reduces the body’s bactericidal capacity and increases the susceptibility to infections. Foods rich in this mineral are red meat, beans, and peas.
  3. Selenium supports immunity and protects against infections. However, it should be remembered that in too high doses it can be harmful. We can find it in tuna, Brazil nuts and mushrooms, among others.
  4. Magnesium protects against infections, strengthens the circulatory system and the heart muscle, supports cell regeneration, protects against oxidative stress. Milk, cheese and nuts are good sources of magnesium.

Herbal preparations to strengthen the immune system

  1. Echinacea purple – stimulates lymphocytes to work, thanks to which they remove viruses and bacteria much faster; it also supports resistance to viral and fungal infections, and works well in the prevention of chronic infections.
  2. Wild rose – a rich source of vitamin C and B vitamins, strongly strengthens the body, makes it easier to fall asleep, improves well-being and is used in the prevention of cancer.
  3. Wild elderberry – has diaphoretic and anti-cancer properties, reduces fever.
  4. Cistus is an antioxidant and is used in inflammation, it has antiallergic properties because it inhibits the action of histamine.

Do you want to take care of your immunity in a natural way? Try the Borelyma supplement for immunity Herbal Monasterium, in which you will find as many as 6 natural active ingredients.

6 rules that will help increase the body’s resistance

  1. Proper care for the intestinal microflora. In order to properly care for it, it is worth eating yoghurts, kefirs and all kinds of silage. We recommend, for example, Bioherba cabbage sourdough, available in bottles of three different capacities or in a set of shots for 7 days. You can reach for probiotic supplementation. This strengthens and nourishes the body.
  2. Proper quality and duration of sleep. Sleep allows you to regenerate and rest properly. You should sleep about 8 hours.
  3. Sugar restriction. Excessive consumption of sugar can disturb the carbohydrate metabolism, making you more susceptible to infections.
  4. Inhalations. It is worth taking care of the proper functioning of the respiratory tract. Inhalation effectively cleans and moisturizes them.
  5. Physical activity. Exercise increases the number of cells that help protect the body against microbes and other pathogens.
  6. Water. Remember to hydrate your body properly. You should drink at least 1,5 liters a day. Even small deficiencies can disrupt the mineral-calcium balance and, as a result, lead to an increased risk of infections, infections and the penetration of microorganisms into the body. 

Are you looking for a way to increase the body’s immunity? Acerola can be a support. You can find the supplement with it in Medonet Market. Also try Propolis and Acerola – Propolia BeeYes double-action lozenges.

There are many ways to take care of the body’s resistance. The most important thing is to be regular and be very aware. A properly selected diet, physical activity, prevention and avoidance of stress will allow you to maintain full health. If you notice any disturbing symptoms, such as more frequent than normal colds, persistent tiredness or skin changes, please consult your primary care physician.

This may interest you:

  1. How to take care of the immune system?
  2. What improves immunity? Here are the rules to follow
  3. 5 ways to strengthen immunity

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