This is how you “work” on neck pain. Fatal habits you must end with

Strong pain, discomfort, stiffness, difficulty turning the head – we experience neck ailments very often. They can make it difficult to perform even the most ordinary daily duties. Meanwhile, in many cases, we ourselves “work” on the pain of the neck, with our lifestyle and the positions we adopt during various activities.

  1. Neck pain makes it difficult to function and move daily. Its cause may be a spine injury, but also bad habits that often accompany us for years
  2. It is worth looking at what posture we adopt every day and in what position we sleep. Exercise is recommended and avoidance of a sedentary lifestyle
  3. The condition of the neck is also negatively affected by stress, which causes muscle tension. Knowing how to relax and reduce your workload can help you avoid discomfort
  4. More current health information can be found on the Onet homepage

Neck pain can come on suddenly. I guess most of us woke up in the morning with the feeling that we would not be able to turn our head an inch and that it would be painful to assume any position. The pain can radiate towards the head, ears, shoulders and arms until it becomes unbearable. Of course, swallowing a painkiller will help in many cases, but only for a while. Unpleasant ailments will come back if we do not investigate their cause. It can be completely mundane and easy to remove, but it may also require medical attention.

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Here are five important reasons why your neck hurts.

The causes of neck pain. You sleep in the wrong position

One of the most common causes of neck discomfort, especially in young adults 21-30 years old, is an incorrect sleeping position. It can cause problems in the cervical spine. The usual pain driving catalyst is stomach sleep. In such a position that a person can breathe, the face must be turned sideways, which leads to pain, if it is a constant habit. The best way to sleep is to lie flat on your back or on your side.

Neck pain due to stress

Stress is an inherent part of many people’s lives, but excessive stress can cause neck pain. Then it gets even worse. The human body works so that in moments of strong tension that accompany stressful situations, muscle spasms occur that stiffen the neck. The key to solving the problem may be reducing your workload as much as possible and practicing meditation that allows you to relax. You can also opt for painkillers to ease any discomfort. Try, for example, Visiomed compresses for the neck, nape and shoulder, filled with gel microbeads, which helps with muscle and joint pain, stiffness and cramps.

Neck pain from sitting work

Work is hard to avoid, but you can make sitting down less strenuous for your neck. When we sit for many hours, e.g. in front of a computer, due to excessive muscle tension, the range of mobility of the cervical spine is significantly limited. This results in the activation of the pain points and the experiencing of pain with each slightly greater movement of that part of the body. It is worth setting a few-minute breaks in advance to perform at least a few exercises to relax the neck and neck.

Neck pain is the result of poor posture

One of the main causes of neck pain is bad posture. After many years of slouching and placing the head in the wrong position, the cervical spine can be damaged. Pain worsens and often only then becomes a warning signal for many people. It is worth taking it seriously because it can become chronic and become more and more harmful to the body as the body ages. So correct your posture, keep your neck straight, don’t put your neck on uneven surfaces.

Neck, back, shoulder and neck electrostimulator is a rescue for people who want to fight pain in selected areas of the body. You can buy at Medonet Market.

Neck pain – You may have a whiplash injury

It is the most serious type of neck trauma and often occurs in car accidents. The so-called whip injuries occur in a very short time, e.g. when the car jerks as a result of a collision. They are very difficult to heal. If you have any suspicions that an injury has occurred, you should have a CT and MRI scan as soon as possible to check the condition of the spine. A visit to the chiropractor may be of help in repairing the injury and pain.

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