Many people think about strengthening immunity only in the fall and winter season, when the body is more exposed to infections. In fact, however, we should take care of her all year round. In this way, you can not only avoid infection, but also feel good and energize yourself. Unfortunately, some habits reduce the efficiency of the immune system significantly. What ruins him the most? What is worth changing in your life to support immunity?

  1. Boosting immunity is important for maintaining physical and mental health as well as improving your well-being and overall performance
  2. Symptoms of a significant decrease in immunity include: chronic fatigue, frequently recurring infections, chronic stomach ailments, long wound healing and lack of energy
  3. The most common habits that are harmful to the immune system are a diet low in vitamins, lack of daily physical activity and sleep deficiency.
  4. To strengthen immunity, you should take care of the variety of meals consumed, a daily dose of exercise, rest and avoiding stress.
  5. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Why is it worth supporting the body’s immunity?

After birth, the baby’s body is endowed with innate immunity. It is the basic protection and guards for the health of the newborn. Its mechanisms work very quickly, but are not as effective as the acquired (specific) immunity that a person gains with age. You can build it yourself through good daily habits, vaccinations and prophylaxis.

Strengthening immunity is very important as it is a way to avoid or reduce the risk of health problems, including infections. This applies not only to common colds, but also to inflammation of the ear, lungs, sinuses, and sore throats. The bothersome recurring diseases require the immune system to work hard, which can weaken the body, especially if the immune system is in poor condition.

Our immunity will be supported by the Strengthening Tonic with Propolis – the Propolia BeeYes dietary supplement available in ampoules.

Further part under the video.

Reduced immunity of the body – symptoms

Symptoms of reduced immunity can be seen quite easily over time. The most common and, at the same time, one of the most bothersome symptoms are:

  1. catching a cold at least five times a year
  2. frequent inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
  3. more than two sinus infections a year
  4. chronic sore throat
  5. recurrent ear inflammation
  6. frequent and very thick nasal discharge.

Although many people suffer from this type of disease, it is worth paying attention to them. They should be alarming if they appear quite often (several times a year) and last a long time or end up with “under-treatment” causing further health problems. Recurring infections, also occurring outside the fall and winter season, are also a warning signal.

To strengthen immunity, we recommend the CITROCAPS immunity dietary supplement containing grapefruit seed extract.

Another alarming symptom of a weakened immune system is chronic fatigue syndrome. It is worth knowing that this ailment carries many more serious consequences than just drowsiness. The most common are:

  1. muscle aches
  2. impaired memory
  3. difficult concentration
  4. joint pain when moving
  5. feeling tired even after hours of sleep
  6. frequent migraine headaches
  7. general weakness and malaise.

Prophylactically, you can perform tests that will help you determine the condition of your body. For those who are still tired, we recommend, for example, the Fit & active test package – diagnostic blood tests

Many people do not care about their immune systems on a daily basis. However, it is worth remembering that good immunity consists of many elements that should be taken into account throughout the year. This will allow you to significantly improve your well-being and avoid numerous ailments. Individual habits, trends and neglect may contribute to the recurrence of infections and the emergence of other, much more serious diseases. Check what behaviors are ruining your immunity.

To strengthen your immunity, it is worth reaching for Borelyma for immunity Herbal Monasterium – a dietary supplement containing only natural ingredients. It is currently available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Factors that weaken your immunity. Sedentary lifestyle

Nowadays, more and more people spend their free time in front of a computer, TV or smartphone. After a hard day, this form of rest is the best and most comfortable option for many people. While relaxation and regeneration of the body are very important, it is important to remember that prolonged inactivity will do more harm than good.

Movement improves blood circulation, and thus effectively improves the blood supply to organs throughout the body. The appropriate number of leukocytes in the body effectively protects against recurrent infections, so it is worth taking care of the daily dose of exercise to stimulate their production. It is good to remember that physical exertion does not have to be associated with daily visits to the gym, regular strength training or running. One longer walk a day in the fresh air is enough to effectively improve immunity.

Walks in autumn and winter have a very beneficial effect on health – the body is additionally hardened in a low temperature environment. During this time, however, you should remember to properly protect yourself against the cold – a warm jacket, thick shoes, a hat, a scarf and gloves are obligatory elements of clothing for a winter walk.

To support your immunity, it is worth reaching for natural preparations, eg Herbal Monasterium aloe juice available at a favorable price on Medonet Market. We also recommend Propolis and Acerola – Propolia BeeYes double-action lozenges, which not only reduce sore throats, but also support the work of the immune system.

Factors that weaken your immunity. Too little sleep

Many people still underestimate the benefits of sleep on health and well-being. Too few hours spent on rest prevents the body from regenerating, and thus deteriorates the efficiency of organs. Lack of sleep reduces the concentration of T lymphocytes, which are responsible for natural immunity and protection against pathogens. A direct consequence of the lack of rest is also impaired memory and learning difficulties, which are the causes of great discomfort.

  1. The terrifying effects of not getting enough sleep. Check what is the risk of it

To ensure well-being and effectively improve their health, an adult should spend seven to nine hours a day sleeping and deeply regenerating. For children and adolescents, it can be up to 11 hours, for infants – up to 17 hours.

Support your body with Life Energy – a strengthening dietary supplement with royal jelly Propolia BeeYes, whose active ingredients not only support immunity, but also improve vitality.

Factors that weaken your immunity. Drinking alcohol frequently

Regular drinking of small amounts of red wine has a positive effect, among others. on the work of the heart and lowers blood sugar levels. However, you should be aware that any dose of alcohol, especially when consumed frequently and in large amounts, reduces the body’s natural immunity. Alcohol reduces the ability of the immune system to defend itself against various types of microorganisms. Drinking alcohol also inhibits the development of leukocytes, which are so important for maintaining health.

  1. White or red – which wine is better for health?

Although a glass of wine with dinner or an occasional beer with friends will not ruin the health of most people, it is definitely better to avoid alcohol and limit its consumption as much as possible for the sake of your immunity.

  1. Do you like a drink? You don’t even know what the consequences might be

Factors that weaken your immunity. Improper diet

Living in a hurry, overload of duties or reluctance to cook are among the most common reasons for reaching for highly processed food and unhealthy snacks. Diet has a huge impact on health and well-being, because it is the nutrients contained in food that largely determine the functioning of the body. There is a reason the intestine is called the second brain – the condition of the intestinal microflora is the basis of human immunity.

  1. The 12 worst foods for your gut

Regularly eating wholesome meals rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and fats is a recipe for fighting recurring infections and fatigue. While the occasional use of ready-made and highly processed meals or a sweet snack is not a bad thing, replacing fresh products with them can contribute to a decline in immunity, obesity and malaise.

  1. Diet to strengthen immunity – what should you eat to strengthen the body?

The basis of any diet must be vegetables, because they provide the greatest amount of minerals. The plate should also include fish, sources of healthy fats, carbohydrates, fruit, pods and dairy products. To strengthen immunity, it is also important to eat silage, which strengthens the intestinal microflora, and thus has a beneficial effect on the body’s immunity.

Improve your immunity by regularly drinking Oxymel with Nettle, Borage and Thyme, which you can find at Medonet Market.

  1. 12 benefits of eating silage

Factors that weaken your immunity. Chronic stress

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate stress from life. However, it is worth being aware of the destructive effect of nervous functioning on health and well-being. Chronic severe stress is the “silent killer” of immunity. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with the inevitable nervous tension. Sport, yoga, meditation, favorite reading or a walk are just examples. It is also worth working on changing the way you think. Many people worry about things that are beyond their control. As a result, there is unnecessary and unjustified stress.

  1. How will you know when stress is having a negative effect on your health? [WE EXPLAIN]

Doctors alert that minimizing the sources of nervous tension is much more important than taking supplements to strengthen the immune system. The stress hormone, or cortisol, inhibits the production of other substances that increase the mobility of leukocytes responsible for the body’s immunity. Moreover, chronic nervousness reduces the ability to fight microbes that are harmful to health.

How to strengthen immunity on a daily basis?

The above factors effectively prevent the body from building natural immunity and protecting against infections. It is good to be aware of these harmful habits and try to work every day to eliminate them from your life. Instead of relaxing in front of the TV, it is worth going for a walk with a dog or a loved one, it is better to replace salted chips and chocolates with fresh vegetables or a healthy dinner, and instead of a bottle of wine, put a jug with aromatic green tea on the table. Minor changes introduced gradually will allow you to improve habits and thus strengthen immunity.

If you want to support your body, try immunity supplements, which you can find on the Medonet Market.

Check if you should consult a doctor? Go through the initial medical interview yourself.

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