This is how the Egyptians deal with the heat. This method guarantees a restful night

In Poland, we are not used to the African heat. Unfortunately, climate change means that high temperatures will soon become our everyday life. We must protect ourselves effectively against them. Nations for which heat is not new come to the rescue. We can try, for example, the Egyptian method of surviving a hot night. It really works!

  1. During hot weather, we should be especially careful about our health
  2. Doctors urge you to avoid leaving your home, hydrate your body and follow an easily digestible diet
  3. Sometimes the heat also bothers us at night. This is where the proven Egyptian method comes in handy, which involves sleeping under a wet towel or sheet
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

During a heat wave, we should take care of our safety. Who needs to be especially careful? First of all, infants, pregnant women, seniors and people struggling with chronic diseases. The salvation for everyone is to stay well hydrated and avoid leaving the house if it is not necessary.

In turn, in the apartment itself, we should make sure that there is a pleasant coolness. How to achieve this effect? Let’s keep the curtains and blinds closed and don’t open the window between 12 noon and 16 pm. Let us ventilate the apartment either in the morning or late in the evening.

Unfortunately, sometimes the night is not soothing at all. On the contrary, it is as hot as daytime. Such weather gives us no respite. It makes us sleep badly, we constantly wake up, we sweat and we have nothing to breathe. Fortunately, there is a method we can borrow from the Egyptians. Thanks to it, we will sleep all night, and in the morning we will wake up refreshed and relaxed.

Egyptian method for hot nights

What will you need? A towel or a thin sheet. Soak them in cool water, then squeeze thoroughly. If you want to be sure that your sheets or towel won’t get too wet, you can put them in the washing machine for a spin. What now? A damp sheet and towel will serve as a duvet. They will pleasantly cool your body and prevent you from feeling the high temperature from the outside.

If you don’t like sleeping under anything wet, there is another way you can use such a towel or sheet. Just hang them on the window. Thanks to this, your bedroom will be pleasantly cool and the air will become less dry.

Some people also use a rather extreme method of cooling the body at night. They put the damp sheet in a plastic bag and then in the freezer. This makes the material even cooler and acts as a compress on our body. However, this is a method that not everyone will like.

What else can you do to sleep better in hot weather?

  1. avoid caffeine in the evening,
  2. sleep on your side or in the “unfolded eagle” position,
  3. do not use a quilt,
  4. sleep in pajamas made of natural materials such as cotton or linen.

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