This is how blood behaves after a person dies. “At first it is smooth and stable”

About five liters of blood flow through an adult’s body. This tissue plays a very important role in human life, but it can also provide a lot of information after death.

  1. The blood in the body is responsible for providing oxygen and nutrients
  2. The first postmortem changes in blood occur within 30 minutes of death. On the body there are, among others precipitation spots
  3. Dr. Bolechała: over time, the blood thickens, the breakdown of red blood cells begins and the blood pigment is released, i.e. hemoglobin
  4. More similar information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Blood After Death – What Happens to It?

– At first, the blood is liquid and stable, so if someone turns the body over within hours of death, the blood will move to the new lowest places. But over time, the blood thickens, the breakdown of red blood cells begins and the blood pigment is released, i.e. hemoglobin – explained Dr. Filip Bolechała, a specialist in forensics in Tygodnik Powszechny.

The rest of the article under the video.

When the heart stops, blood flows by gravity to the lowest points, creating the so-called precipitation spots. The red blood cells are the first to settle, they are already visible after about thirty minutes to three hours after death. At first, they appear as small, single pink-blue dots on the body that cover larger and larger areas of the skin as time goes on. Over time, the blood thickens so much that moving the body from side to side no longer changes the places where the postmortem spots appear.

Therefore, medics, to determine the time of death, pinch the places where these spots are formed. If, under pressure, the stains recede, and after removing the fingers, they return, it means that the death occurred relatively recently. If the changes do not take place, more time has passed since death.

– Once the stains have formed and become permanent, indeed, if the investigators notice during the examination that the arrangement of the corpse does not match the arrangement of the stains, they will come to the conclusion that someone has turned or moved the body in the meantime – adds the medic.

  1. Take a look: What happens to the human body after death? [INFOGRAPHICS]

In the case of sudden deaths resulting from, for example, hanging by a deceased man, the so-called postmortem erection. This phenomenon is related to the compression of the cerebellum and spinal cores. During this time, the penis may become completely erect and release urine or sperm. But death also affects the reproductive organs of women. It is possible then the release of blood from the vagina.

  1. Read: Precipitation spots – what are they and where are they most often located?

Blood – What Functions Does It Perform?

Blood plays a very important role in the human body. It is a tissue consisting of a liquid part, i.e. plasma, and cells such as red, white and platelets. The total volume of blood circulating in the human body of an adult person is approximately 5 liters. It’s about 8 percent. body weight. Through the blood all cells of the organism are provided with nutrients and oxygen, and metabolic products and carbon dioxide are removed. Blood also spreads a series hormones and plays an important role in emergence and maintenance immunity.

  1. Check it out: Just before we die, we make a distinctive sound. What is the “death rattle”?

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