This “grower’s life hack” will help you double your fruit and vegetable harvest
We became aware of a procedure that can benefit almost every summer resident!
July 18 2021
Did you know that by mulching the beds, you can partially abandon weeding, watering and feeding the plants? According to the candidate of agricultural sciences, agricultural engineer Lyudmila Starostina, this procedure really solves most of the problems of the summer resident.
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Technician
Mulching (covering the surface of the soil with mulch to protect and improve its properties) retains moisture, prevents weed infestation, creates a comfortable environment for soil dwellers, who turn the soil into fertile soil. Mulch is indispensable today! Which one to choose?
Non-woven covering material
Spunbond, black geotextiles are rolled onto the beds, cutting holes for plants. Ready-made trunks of different diameters are also sold.
Pros: frees from weeding. Partially insulates roots and helps plants to winter.
Cons: under agrotechnical ants feel great, and they, as you know, graze aphids. Strawberry whiskers are able to take root firmly on the fabric. Tearing them off can damage the entire structure.
This material can be purchased cheaply at a nearby sawmill. It is believed to take hardwood waste and avoid conifers. But sometimes there is no choice, and spruce mulch is better than its complete absence.
Pros: the carpet looks good, it thickens from the rain and does not scatter. Under the sawdust, the soil is always moist and loose, like fluff. Weeds come out single, and it is easy to remove them.
Cons: sawdust draws nitrogen from the soil and acidifies it. Therefore, when introducing wood waste, mix it with dolomite flour and pour with a solution of ammonium nitrate (100 g of fertilizer per 10 l of water).
Free material, boxes prepared for recycling are given in stores.
Pros: protects against weeds, completely decomposes in a year. Earthworms are happy to eat cardboard and love to live under it, but ants do not like the material.
Cons: not a very aesthetic look, but you can fix it by lightly sprinkling the paper with peat. We’ll have to tinker, ripping off the non-decomposable adhesive tape from the boxes. You will need pins to prevent the cardboard from flying away in a thunderstorm.
Lawn mower grass
Free, effective and useful tool. The cut grass is laid in a thick layer around the plants and tree trunks.
Pros: protects against weeds, retains moisture, nutritionally comparable to manure. It warms the soil for an early harvest.
Cons: can burn the plant on contact. Therefore, back off a few centimeters from the trunk or stem when applying.
Hay and straw
These materials are ideal for mulching. They protect against weeds, retain moisture and fertilize the soil. Hay and straw are sold in bales and bales at agricultural markets.
Pros: improve fertility, insulate, promote the cultivation of beneficial microorganisms, insects and worms. Partially protects against late blight.
Cons: not too “premium” look, high cost.
Mats and rugs
Coconut linen and mineral ecowool left over from construction will also come in handy in the country. Building stone wool is not used for growing plants; it contains formaldehydes.
Pros: fast styling, durability. Complete weed control and reduced watering to a minimum. Excellent insulation of plant roots for the winter.
Cons: high price.
The mown grass and hay contains the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. It suppresses the development of pathogens and is part of biological products such as phytosporin. Therefore, it is good to mulch tomatoes and potatoes with grass, they suffer from phytophthora.
Lunar calendar for summer residents from 12 to 18 July
July 12
Waxing Crescent
A lion. Sowing and planting is beneficial, especially for ornamental plants. Pest control is effective.
July 13
Waxing Crescent
Virgo. Day of beauty: care for a flower garden, transplantation, division of perennials, planting of annuals are favorable.
July 14
Waxing Crescent
Virgo. Sowing of fast-growing crops is recommended: greens, radishes. Plants planted on this day bloom faster.
July 15
Waxing Crescent
Virgo. Pruning trees and berry bushes, grafting, fertilizing, watering, hilling and loosening are effective.
July 16
Waxing Crescent
Scales. Take care of weeding, loosening, replanting a flower garden, lawn and garden beds. The day is good for planting shrubs.
July 17
Waxing Crescent
Scales. Sow, plant, and replant. It is recommended to propagate plants by roots, fertilize and feed.
July 18
Waxing Crescent
Scorpion. Fertility Day. You can plant, transplant, divide, sow the lawn – everything will take root and grow.