This food can ruin a date: the insidious TOP-10

In order not to ruin the first date, when you want everything to be perfect, you should think in advance which foods can cause disruption of the digestive tract or provoke bad breath. You only have one chance to make a first impression, don’t ruin it!


A popular spice that is added to many classic dishes, and it is not always possible to predict the presence of garlic in advance, for example, in a sauce. Check with your restaurant waiter what ingredients will be on your plate so that you don’t ruin your first kiss.

Spicy dishes

You can flaunt your digestion, capable of taking spicy things, already upon closer acquaintance. A sharp first date can cause heartburn, indigestion, or the urge to empty a decanter of water, which may seem out of place and odd.



The choice of long pasta is quite logical: there are many recipes for this simple, hearty dish. But if you do not know how to eat them correctly, using special cutlery, then pulling pasta into your mouth is not the most pleasant sight. In addition, pasta can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, which will not at all add to your mood for a successful evening.

French fries

This product also requires a certain skill in eating. A viscous mass in your mouth will make it difficult to dictate and will not be conducive to communication. And it looks very unaesthetic from the outside.


This popular sauce has a spicy taste and aroma that not everyone likes. Yes, and small ingredients tend to get stuck between the teeth, and constantly running to the mirror or moving your tongue in your mouth is not a good idea.


A hamburger is an inexpensive and satisfying option, all the more so their variety and cooking skills are not inferior to gourmet dishes today. But they need to be eaten with your hands, and not everyone succeeds in controlling the flow of sauce down the chin. As a last resort, use your cutlery to deal with this large dish.


Soup can be hot, and sipping it like at home will become completely indecent. And some soups, at all, require the use of certain cutlery, which you don’t want to bother with – it’s better to eat something simpler and get to know each other. 


On the first date, women often try to show that they are eating a low-calorie diet and ordering meals that include spinach. But this undoubtedly healthy product stains the teeth, and the smile after spinach does not look dazzling white.


Another significant dish of the system of proper nutrition and weight maintenance. But small particles of salads get stuck in the teeth, and in general, such “chastity” suggests a morbid addiction to dishes of the right cuisine. Men ask themselves the question: will not such food be on the table every day throughout their family life?

Dairy produce

Cocktails, shakes with milk content can play a cruel joke, ruining digestion. In addition, these popular dairy drinks contain fruits and berries that, when combined with milk, give unexpected reactions.

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