This explains why chemistry has a lot to do with love.
Dopamine, endorphins, testosterone, serotonin and other hormones are the main drivers of infatuation

El amorousness It is a process that, despite what is believed, is very much directed by the brain and by the chemistry of the elements of the body. Thus, are the hormones those responsible for the fact that, when falling in love, people have emotions like the tickling of nerves, the happiness overflowing, palpitations or even admiration.
“The impulse of love It is found in the chemistry of the human body and in the set of hormones that connect the whole body. Afterwards, these are the ones in charge of sending the signals to the brain, who is the ultimate interpreter and the one in charge of us noticing that our heart is racing or we feel butterflies in the stomach», Explained Dr. Ventura Anciones, head of Neurology at the Sanitas La Zarzuela University Hospital.
Phases of infatuation
In this sense, two phases can be distinguished in falling in love. «At first a large amount of dopamine, which is responsible for the feeling of euphoria and that manifests itself when the person feels delight “, reveals Dr. Cristina Fernández, Head of Neurology at the Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital.
To help better understand this mixture of hormones that causes love, both specialists have drawn up a list detailing which are its main protagonists and how they affect the body:
How dopamine works
La dopamine is a neurotransmitter considered as the pleasure center. It is responsible for regulating motivation and desire and makes people repeat behaviors that provide benefits or pleasure, being very key to learning as well. In addition, it is related to libido.
How endorphins work
Companies that endorphins they are ultimately responsible for pleasure. They are segregated in response to sports, caresses or sex. This hormone produces a feeling of general well-being and helps control behavior. However, they carry a dangerous aspect implicit, and that is that endorphins, along with apomorphins, are the hormones that induce addiction. This could explain why many literary or lyrical figures have compared love to a drug.
How Testosterone Works
La Testosterone It is key in sexual desire and, although it is traditionally associated with men, it is also present in women. Its inhibition can lead to a decrease in sexual appetite, in fact, after orgasm, the body secretes a large amount of testosterone. For all this, he has a great responsibility in terms of desire.
How Serotonin Works
It is a neurotransmitter closely related to control of emotions and the mood, in addition, is responsible for regulating the sexual appetite. Serotonin is also known as the happiness hormone, since when its levels increase in the neural circuits it generates feelings of well-being, relaxation, satisfaction and increases concentration and self-esteem.