This capsule allows you to commit suicide. It is now available in Poland

The trials of the “death capsule” will last until the end of June. If the device for deliberate suicide is successful, it will go from the Netherlands to Switzerland, where it will be used by the terminally ill. The constructors want to make a file available on the Internet that will allow the device to be produced on 3D printers.

Work on Sarco is progressing but slower than expected as we had to make some changes to the generator design. Even so, our new chief engineer says the design will be ready for trial later this month says Philip Nitschke, initiator of the project, in an interview with Medonet.

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Sarco is a capsule that allows people determined to euthanasia to make an effective suicide attempt. It is enough for the user to press one button, and after a while a message will appear that we are about to pass out and the chamber will be filled with liquid nitrogen.

The last works and tests are to be completed by the end of June. Then the device will be transported from the Netherlands to Switzerland, where it will be put into common use. The government of this country issued a permit for the use of the device by terminally ill people as early as December last year.

Everyone will be able to print a “death capsule”

There have also been announcements that a file will be published on the Internet that will allow the capsule to be printed on a home 3D printer. However, there were some setbacks here as well.

As for the download of the files, it is not yet possible as they have not been published. The plan is to make sure the machine is working properly before we publish the print files in our e-manual adds Nitschke.

Sarco in Poland

One of the “death capsules” has already reached Poland. In connection with the premiere of the play “The Right to Choose” at the National Theater in Poznań, Sarco was placed in the foyer of the Big Stage. As Agnieszka Maciaszek from Teatr Nowy says in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza, the purpose of presenting the capsule is to start a debate on the title right to choose and whether such inventions are needed.

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