The seventh month of pregnancy: examinations and procedures
La fifth medical examination follows the pattern of the previous ones: examination of the cervix, blood pressure measurement, monitoring of the baby’s good growth, calculation of the uterine height, weighing, search for sugar and albumin, serology for toxoplasmosis if necessary … We will be offered maybe also to spend the O’Sullivan tests which makes it possible to detect gestational diabetes. During this visit, the last ultrasound is prescribed to us.
We also think of making an appointment with the anesthesiologist, even if we do not want an epidural, and we find out who will perform our childbirth: our midwife, our gynecologist or another member of the team … A note that maternity leave does not begin until 6 weeks before the birth, but we may be stopped before. And then, good news: if we meet the conditions, you may be entitled to the birth bonus.
The eighth month of pregnancy: examinations and procedures
We start this eighth month with the last ultrasound. It makes it possible to check that everything presents itself well before the big day (position and volume of the baby, place of the placenta…). Then we go to the sixth prenatal visit where we will of course discuss her childbirth. Just like the last visit, we are weighed, our blood pressure is taken, we measure the fundal height, we listen to the child’s heartbeat, we examine our cervix. The presence of albumin in the urine and the serology of toxoplasmosis are also sought. We will also have a vaginal sample to detect, or not, the presence of streptococcus B, an infection that is treated with antibiotics.
We are thinking of making an appointment for our last medical visit. Do not forget to send to Social Security and CAF l” certificate of our maternity leave signed by our employer. Finally, our companion must give his employer a registered letter, with the medical certificate mentioning the date of our delivery, if he wants to take his 11-day paternity leave.
The ninth month of pregnancy
During theat the seventh medical consultation, the examinations performed are the same as those seen previously. If Baby is in breech, an examination of our bony pelvis will also be examined to see if our child will pass without difficulty. An important point: if you exceed the term (beyond 41 weeks), you must go to the maternity ward on the presumed day of your delivery to have examinations. At last, we are going to meet the anesthesiologist. He will check that there is no contraindication to an epidural or general anesthesia, and will prescribe a blood test.
We think about packing our maternity suitcase, one less stress if our baby decides to point the tip of his nose unexpectedly. At home, we can already organize the bathroom with all the necessary toiletries, changing table, body milk, diaper cream, etc.