Third Genetically Modified Child? China confirms

The first genetically modified twins were born in China last year. Scientists responsible for this ethically questionable experiment were arrested, and on December 30, 2019, a Chinese court ruled in their case. At the same time, he made it clear in a press release that the twins were not the only ones to be modified. Little is known about the third child.

Third genetically modified newborn in China

In a report presented on the website of the Chinese news agency Xinghua, there was information about the conviction of Chinese scientists who experimented with the human genome. He Jiankui was sentenced to three years in prison and fined approximately $ 430. His two assistants, Zhang Renli and Qin Jinzohu, were sentenced to two years and 000 months, respectively, and to fines.

However, another piece of information attracts attention in the report. We read that the team recruited eight volunteer pairs, including men who were HIV positive. After the embryos were modified, they were implemented into women, and as a result, three children were born.

Until now, only twins have been talked about, given the names Lulu and Nana. It is not known what happens to the children. We learn from the announcement that a third child was born.

Genetically modified embryos resistant to HIV

For the first time, information about genetically modified twins was released in November 2018. In January 2019, He Jiankui was interviewed by William Hurlbut, a geneticist from Stanford. He was then to learn that another woman became pregnant as a result of the implementation of a modified embryo. According to the calculations, the child was to be born in July 2019.

So far, no one has officially confirmed this news. It is not known what gender the child is, whether he is healthy or alive at all.

During the trial, scientists admitted that their actions were caused by the pursuit of fame and personal gain, and that they seriously disrupted the medical order.

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