
​​​​​​​Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

We realized that the epileptoid does not know how to see alternative options. Those programs that are given to him paranoid, he accepts and then becomes closed to ideas from the outside. And the paranoid is characterized by the same narrowness, but already in relation to his own thoughts that have entered into his mind. Hyperthym is more free in this regard, he can accept alternatives, but they are borrowed from him. And the schizoid himself generates all alternatives. In the course of his reflections, the schizoid has many different options. He does not reject them, but develops them. If something contradicts his original thought, he will be more interested in this contradiction than in defending the original thought. At the same time, neither hyperthym nor Schizoid suffer in choosing one or another alternative. The psychastenoid suffers if he sees many options and does not know which one to prefer, but, having settled on some, he still doubts whether the choice was made correctly.

If the paranoid in the course of sophism (conscious mental juggling), then the schizoid is more likely to have paralogisms (unconscious juggling). Or even not, it is more like admiring the contradiction: on the one hand — on the other hand …

The schizoid has a free thinking process: he creates at ease, like a bird sings, unsystematic, as if floating in a world of abstractions. Let us develop the previously expressed idea that a person with a schizoid mindset likes the process of thinking more than its result (the result is important for the paranoiac, not the process). Here the schizoid began to work according to the plan of his leader. And if a contradiction suddenly arose between alternative options, he develops conflicting ideas with interest, he is curious about the by-products of his work. He does not discard “by-products”, even if they contradict his main idea, because they can be more productive in other respects. He develops them, digs into the details, burrows into the little things — and forgets about the goal.

He treats the results of his thinking more or less dispassionately: look, they say, what happens …

This was satirically displayed by Gogol in Dead Souls. At the end of the poem, the home-grown philosopher Kifa Mokievich appears to him, who asked himself: “Well, if an elephant was born in an egg, because the shell, tea, would be very thick, you can’t break through with a cannon; you need to invent some new firearms.”

The schizoid develops his thoughts in detail, in detail, in contrast to the paranoid. But they are less “combed” than in the psychastenoid, less systematized, but richer and more diverse.

The schizoid has a large scatter in his associative series. In the chapter on the paranoid, we wrote that the schizoid for the word “faithful” will give not the standard “wife”, but the unexpected: “flexibility”, “suit”, “emotion”, that is, the connections between the remembered words are weak, non-rigid. And on one basis or another (“true flexibility” is a quality that does not bring a person, “true suit” — in cards, “true emotion” — that is, adequate, “windy” — as opposed to “true”) of such associations, the schizoid will sketch you a great a bunch of.

His thinking is like ripples and swells. It is unsystematic. In the case of accentuation, we can say that he has a «porridge» in his head. As a touch to the portrait, we recall that he has «porridge» both on his head and in his mouth. And so it turns out: schizoids have “porridge” on their heads, in their heads and in their mouths.

Thinking in a schizoid affects absolutely everything. It is non-targeted. He thinks deeply about everything that falls into his field of vision.

An apple that fell to the ground fell into the field of view — the thought of universal gravitation is born. Water spilled out of the bath when the body was immersed in it — an idea arose of how to solve the issue of the gold content in the tyrant’s tiara.

It can even be said that the schizoid has not only behavior that is not volitional, but field, but also thinking. His thought process depends on what falls into the field of attention.

The schizoid thinks, as we noted, with the help of a pencil and paper, he often doesn’t need anything else: write down a thought, and that’s all, that’s enough — no mechanisms or devices. What is thought? Something insubstantial. If only there were some material mechanisms. Yes, but if it’s the idea that kinetic energy equals mass times the speed of light squared, then it can move mountains—not figuratively, but literally. And for the birth of this thought, a pencil and a notebook are enough.

In relations with schizoids, as well as with paranoid ones, it is better to draw up a contract. The schizoid will not deliberately cheat, but he will find loopholes for himself or his client in the law. With this, the schizoid is a good find for scoundrels, he is generally unprincipled, works for the one who pays, and regards his moral cunning as a win in a mental competition. He has this — «philosophical attitude to life.» He is a lawyer for various violators of morality.

Schizoids are generators of ideas. There are many ideas, they are literally swarming, often not connected with each other. He can, as already mentioned, simultaneously develop radically opposite thoughts. The schizoid does not care deeply about the contradictions in his concepts.

I knew a philosopher who lived by writing dissertations for Russian officials. In one dissertation he defended a presidential republic, in another a parliamentary one, in a third he argued the advantages of a constitutional monarchy. At the same time, all three positions looked convincing.

The results of a schizoid’s thinking can be claimed immediately, and then his ideas are developed, paid for, and pushed through. But more often than not, his ideas are seen as fantasies that no one needs now. Some philosophers declared the entire consciousness and the entire psyche of a person to be an “epiphenomenon” — a kind of side effect, a film that no one needs, like mold. In relation to the products of thinking of the schizoid, this is most suitable. But the «mind game» of the schizoid often affects quite material achievements in the distant future. Heron discovered jet propulsion more than two thousand years ago. And this idea was in demand only in our time. For two thousand years it was nothing more than a game of the mind.

And even now, if the idea is modern, that is, if, in principle, it can be in demand, the schizoid needs a “booster” to push through his ideas, he needs an impresario. When they said that talents need support, and the mediocre will break through on their own, talents actually meant schizoids.

Due to the criticality of thinking, the schizoid is difficult to suggest. Therefore, during hypnotization, he most often only has a slight somnolence, and hysteroids go deeper into hypnosis. This explains the fact that the schizoid is rather non-religious. In religious constructions, for him there is too much of mysticism, and not of scientific logic. But if he nevertheless believed in certain dogmas from childhood, then he tries to develop his ideas within the framework of these dogmas, as a result he gets confused and confuses everyone.

One schizoid teenager, in response to the question of what he was currently reading from fiction, stated that he did not read anything, because when reading fiction, he did not feel the resistance of the material.

Well, sensitives, hysteroids, hyperthyms, on the contrary, watch TV shows precisely because there is no “resistance of the material” there.

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