
There are so many manuals and books that promise to teach you to think outside the box in order to create successful projects that each next one causes alertness. However, Think Different Formats quickly breaks through this barrier. The authors do not flirt with readers and do not fall into the didactics of a business guru. They clearly state and illustrate their main idea: we all think in formats. And there is no need to be afraid of it or try to avoid it. What is really needed is to change the format. How to do it? Well, for starters, take a fresh look at your own business. Business consultants Luc de Brabander and Alan Iny talk amusingly about what happened, for example, when their client, a major sparkling wine producer, was asked to describe his business without using 5 keywords: “champagne”, “alcohol”, “wine ”, “drink” and “bottle”. By the way, de Brabander and Ini work as advisers in a leading consulting company in Boston. Whether or not you listen to their advice is up to you. But, say, Google, IBM or Ford are listening.

Eksmo, 384 p., 2015.

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