Think! 5 brain-energizing foods

Think! 5 brain-energizing foods

In November, I desperately want to sleep and just as desperately do not want to think. But you can hardly afford such a luxury. Therefore, it’s time to feed the brain, tortured by autumn grayness.

There is fog and porridge in my head, thoughts are confused, like a grandmother’s ball in cat’s paws, no clarity and clarity, memory is malfunctioning, like the engine of a Zhiguli from the last century, as a result – wasted time and complete inefficiency at work. There can be many reasons for this: depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, overwork. It seems that the only recipe here is to go to bed and not wake up until spring. But no. If you get a good night’s sleep on weekends, add walks in the fresh air and slightly adjust your diet, your head will be pretty clear. And these five brain booster foods will help us do just that.

Whoever sang laudatory odes to this drink. He is praised by nutritionists and fitness trainers alike. But today we will still think about the head. Green tea contains theanine, which is called a brain doping agent. What is valuable is that this is a substance of natural origin, that is, we invigorate our head with a natural product, and not with any pharmaceutical chemistry. Thanks to theanine, mental activity increases, and anxiety, on the contrary, disappears. It turns out that green tea both invigorates and soothes, relieving stress.

It is definitely advised to take it to pregnant women, because fish oil is very useful for the development of the brain of an unborn baby. Moreover, studies have shown that children whose mothers took fish oil during pregnancy grew and developed better during the first six years of life than their peers without “doping” during intrauterine development. Adults also need to make up for omega-3 deficiencies, and it’s not just about beauty, which also needs this substance, but also the fact that a lack of fatty acids can cause depression and other mental disorders. And depression does not contribute to clarity of thinking – in such a state we lose the ability to concentrate.

3. Fish, egg yolk, wheat germ

All of these foods are sources of a substance called choline. It is usually referred to as a group B vitamins. In the body, a very important substance for the brain is synthesized from choline – acetylcholine. It is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the processes associated with learning, concentration, focusing attention, memory, the ability to perceive and analyze information. Scientists even believe that thanks to this substance, Alzheimer’s disease can be delayed.

Not the most expensive spice found in almost every kitchen. However, turmeric should not be underestimated. First of all, she helps us to lose weight, belonging to the family fat burning spices… Turmeric accelerates metabolism, effectively fights edema, and even reduces cravings for sweets. And besides, turmeric fights depression, stress and helps the body produce serotonin and dopamine – hormones of happiness, which at the same time contribute to increased mental alertness. And the antioxidants, which this spice contains a lot, work as the prevention of dementia.

Perhaps the most controversial drink. Someone assures that coffee kills slowly, someone says that coffee increases lifespan. But the truth is somewhere in between. Drinking one to two cups of espresso or any other espresso-based beverage a day can help increase stamina, cognitive function, the ability to concentrate, sharpen attention and improve mood. The maximum dose is four cups of coffee a day. Better still, two or three.

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