Things to Throw Out Before Chinese New Year

New Year is the most magical holiday! It is on this night that everyone says goodbye to the past, makes the most cherished desires and desperately wants to be heard by the Universe. The Chinese experience this kind of catharsis twice a year. The first time they celebrate the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar, like everyone else, on the night of January 1. Then in an oriental way: February 5, 2019 (will last until January 24, 2020).

A legend has existed in China since ancient times: when Buddha left for another world, he promised that each of the animals would be the patron saint of the coming year. First came the Rat, then the rest. The symbol of 2019 will be the Pig, which corresponds to the element Earth and yellow. On the eve of the coming year, all residents of the East strictly follow the age-old tradition: in order for something new to come into life, it is necessary to throw away all old and unnecessary things. With their negative energy, they block the path to happiness.

“The Chinese are superstitious people,” says a specialist in feng shui (Taoist practice of symbolic space exploration. – Ed.) Alla Klyuchnikova. – It is clear that for them the expression “As you meet the year, so you will spend it” is not an empty phrase. Within a month they begin to prepare for the celebration. Most of their free time they go through things and look for what can be thrown away. The Chinese believe that it is imperative to throw away rags: socks, tights, towels, underwear, etc. No need to alter, mend, sew on a patch. To let in a joyful future, one must be able to mercilessly part with the past. It is also necessary to pay attention to old postcards, letters, notes, things from the “past life”. If you were once afraid to admit to yourself that your relationship with your ex-soulmate is over, then it is on the eve of the holiday that you need to end it. After all, the Chinese have a rule: the vital vessel of energy must constantly be slightly emptied!

On the day of the holiday, they try to keep their children busy with games, to captivate with coloring books and books so that the kids do not cry, since children’s tears are a bad omen. They do not ask for money on credit and do not take out a loan. Three days after the New Year, they do not wash their hair, as this can wash away the luck. And, of course, if possible, wear red underwear, which scares away the dark forces and gives confidence in future intentions.

In general, red is a sacred color for them. To prevent bad spirits from entering, the Chinese carefully hang up the front door with various patterns, postcards and inscriptions in scarlet shades. To attract well-being, they lay out the infinity sign in the form of an eight from tangerines. The biggest fans of the holiday decorate the trees with dried fruits.

At the table, it is not customary for them to talk about the past year. To focus on the future, the Chinese discuss what they are going to do. To attract wealth, they prepare dumplings and other dishes in the form of a gold bar.

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