things that are dangerous to buy from hands

things that are dangerous to buy from hands

“You wouldn’t be chasing cheapness, priest,” – I want to exclaim when people mindlessly buy used things. By purchasing some used goods, you do not save at all. On the contrary, waste your money. has compiled a list of things that can only be bought new.

A DSLR camera – a witness to your adventures and your chocolate tan! Amateur shots can preserve vivid memories. A camera is a really necessary thing for which you should save money. It is better to refuse the idea of ​​buying a DSLR from your hands. Even an experienced photographer will not be able to spot hidden defects on the camera. To find out how the camera was actually used (dropped, doused with water, etc.), only diagnostics will help. But this is a rather expensive procedure, which if the seller agrees to do it, then only at your expense. The second danger is the purchase of stolen equipment. You can protect yourself by demanding a warranty card, which contains the serial number of the camera. Agree, not all people keep such documents. Also, you can easily slip a drowned camera. Be aware that if the camera has been in the water, it will not last you very long. And many more professional sellers have learned to twist the “mileage” of the camera (the number of shots taken). Of course, there are various computer programs that show the actual mileage. Unfortunately, not all models can be tested in this way.

Sofas are great dust collectors. It is impossible to get rid of annoying dust particles forever, because they contain a large number of human skin cells, dust mites, as well as tiny particles of pollen, minerals, mold, bacterial spores and a number of toxic substances that enter the house from the street. Dust deposits in the folds of the sofa are harmful. Therefore, allergists advise changing upholstered furniture every five years. That’s not all: if the sofa was, for example, in the garage for a long time, then it could easily be chosen by small rodents, which are carriers of dangerous intestinal infections. Of course, the furniture will be put in order before the sale, but the seller is unlikely to be concerned about disinfection.

Saving on health is stupid. Buying shoes from someone else’s feet, you can easily catch a fungal disease, and wearing used shoes leads to serious deformation of the foot. The fact is that the gait of each person is individual. When you buy a new shoe, it “adjusts” to you. When you wear shoes for strangers, you thereby adopt the structure of his feet. If you don’t want orthopedic problems, get new shoes. For this reason, you cannot buy used shoes for a child whose active foot formation begins from the first steps. By the way, today it is quite possible to buy fashionable shoes, saving the budget. To do this, you should study the collection of democratic brands and track promotions and offers.

“All that glitters is not gold.” A fake jewel can also be slipped into a jewelry store, to say nothing of hand-bought jewelry. Sample is not always a guarantee of authenticity. Jewelers advise buying gold jewelry only in large stores and only well-known brands. And many more people believe that the noble metal is able to preserve the energy of a person. If the gold jewelry was worn by a woman with an unhappy fate, then you will inherit the troubles of the former owner along with the necklace or ring.

So-called cosmetic flea markets or beauty markets are becoming popular. Doctors are seriously concerned about this. Firstly, any cosmetic products (including eau de toilette) have a shelf life. Secondly, buying someone else’s lipstick or face cream, you run the risk of earning a serious viral infection (herpes, conjunctivitis – the most common diseases that occur after makeup). Please note that professional makeup artists use disposable cosmetics.

Motorcycle and bicycle helmets

The main task of any helmet is to keep you safe on the road. A headgear like this should be perfect. A helmet even with slightly noticeable cracks is an enemy to your health. You cannot use it. Better to throw it away and buy a new one right away. By the way, it is also not recommended to buy old tires for cars, since it is impossible to find out their operation.

Modern laptops with gentle care can last up to 10 years. Just do you come across a neat owner-seller? Hoping for this is like playing the lottery. If you want to take risks, buy a used laptop. But we are obliged to warn you of the dangers of such an acquisition. First, even a minor shock can affect the performance of any computer’s hard drive. Who can tell you how many times a laptop has fallen to the floor? Only an advanced user can evaluate the filling of your equipment. For example, you understand the difference between HDD and SSD. If not, then you will definitely be given equipment that will fail in a couple of days. The rechargeable battery may also not last long.

A sharp knife is the main detail of all kitchen appliances (meat grinders, mixers, combines, etc.). The more often you use this technique, the faster the cutting parts become blunt. With new kitchen appliances, cooking won’t be a hassle; on the contrary, with used utensils, you are unlikely to be able to easily and quickly cope with dinner. Also, do not buy non-stick (Teflon) coated pans from your hands. It is composed of various chemical compounds. When the pan is heated above 200 ° C, the compounds begin to decompose into volatile substances, which then enter the cooking dish and into the respiratory tract. This will not happen if you cook at temperatures below 200 ° C. Who knows how this frying pan was used before you?

The plasma screen burns out and loses the brightness of the picture after 4-5 years of intensive use. Due to such a significant drawback, there is no point in trusting the purchase of a TV to the used market.

This irreplaceable assistant in the house is considered one of the most powerful household appliances. Conscientious housewives use vacuum cleaners almost every day. The apartment will remain clean, but the service life is reduced. It is clear that no one will tell you how often the vacuum cleaner was used. But it depends on this whether the motor will work for a long time. If it fails, the assistant can be thrown into a landfill. Replacing the motor is an expensive procedure.

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