The energy of a house is made up of the things that fill it. Some objects can give us positive emotions, fill us with strength and joy, and when looking at others, we can experience anxiety, fear or melancholy. The states that we experience when interacting with an object, we will call the “soul” of a thing. Let’s figure it out in order.
Products from birch bark, wood, leather
These materials accumulate and store well any information, no matter how the item itself was made – manually or industrially. Being in your apartment, these products will be filled with that emotional background that prevails, and then broadcast into space. So you can create the soul of these things yourself by transferring your state to them. Or you could say that these things reflect your soul.
The next time you open a wooden box, listen to yourself and feel what thoughts and feelings come to your mind when you touch this thing. This is the state that is transmitted to you from the object. And which you yourself once experienced.
Knitted, sewn, wicker decorative elements (hand-made)
Making them, the master puts a piece of his soul. And, as a rule, what state the creator had at the time of manufacture, this state will be transmitted to us by this product. Unconsciously, we feel this, choosing this particular thing and bringing it to our home. After all, comfort and a state of peace are created not only by the color and texture of the product, but the mood of the master at the time of manufacture. By the way, psychics advise to be careful about handmade dolls, and not to accept them as a gift, even from loved ones. After all, dolls are an ancient witchcraft attribute.
This is generally a separate topic for analysis. Each painting has the mood of the artist, the symbolism of the image and our reaction to all this. So, if the artist was at the time of painting in an alarming state, while he depicted a raging sea, which in itself is very emotional from the point of view of symbolism, then an increased sense of anxiety will be transmitted to us when we look at the painting. And if the artist felt joy and painted flowers, then the colorful bouquet depicted in the picture will fill us with this state.
Products made on a potter’s wheel, figurines
As in the case of paintings, they convey the state of the master at the time of work and the symbolism of the figure. Bestiaries of all kinds, as a rule, will bring in the qualities of the animal or bird itself. For example, a panther will carry hidden strength, a swan – grace and sublimity, a lion – royalty, a dog – friendship. And what feelings the master felt for his product and how he reflected on this or that event will enhance or weaken the overall effect.
Stuffed Toys
Especially hand-made – like frozen cartoon characters – they carry a lot of vivid emotions and, as a rule, are addressed to our inner child. It is on the basis of his needs and desires that we choose for ourselves sad or cheerful heroes. And then we repeatedly experience these feelings, going through the experience we need, looking at the plush figures.
They store in themselves information about flowers, terrain, people who raised them, and about the master who created the composition. Emotions and states can be very different here. But, as a rule, all plant decor carries a positive and harmonizing effect on the space of the house. The nature in the house is never superfluous. By the way, ikebana is quite easy to do yourself. They say this activity is akin to meditation.
When we look at photographs, we relive the events that are captured on them. Wedding, birthday, fun trip, first date and parachute jump. All this can be experienced over and over again, looking at the pieces of impressions, locked in frames and hung on the wall.
Restored antique furniture
It keeps in itself the history of the era, the fate of the people who used it, a piece of the soul of the master who made and restored the furniture. So, if a writer worked a lot at a writing table in the past, then, being at him, the most incredible plots and new ideas will also come to mind. And in the chair on which an influential person has sat for a long time, you will feel more significant and confident in yourself.
Gifts from dear people
These things are also called anchors. A mug given to a loved one, a blanket from a mother, the child’s first handicraft made by him on his own – all of them are forever frozen in the moment, like in amber. Taking them in our hands, we are transported to the time when we received them, we re-experience the same emotions. These anchors hold precious moments in our memory.