There is a popular wisdom: “When you enter a people’s house, be blind, and when you leave, be dumb. Do not look for flaws in the house where you are, and if you saw, then do not tell anyone about them! “
Very correct words, especially when it comes to uninvited, accidental, uninvited and unexpected guests. Those from whom I would like to hide a lot, not to show, not to devote them to their personal. But situations are different, and if there are guests, some things in the house should be hidden away.
Icons and religious books
Disputes over religion and worldview are the most common in the world. Doing something like this with guests is definitely not worth it. And if you know that your guest is aggressive and jealous of religious issues, then in order to avoid unnecessary conversations and unnecessary comments, it is better to remove icons and books away from prying eyes. Otherwise, the very fact of having such things in your home can provoke a small local war. But everything is at your discretion – if you have nothing against heated debates, then you do not need to remove anything.
This is generally obvious: guests or random people who come to your house do not need to know how much money you have in your house and where it is. First, save yourself from envy: a couple of large bills on the dresser may well make the guest feel not the best feelings for you. He doesn’t know that you may need to live on this money for a month. Secondly, good and evil are mixed in all of us. There is no need to provoke a person into bad things.
There is an expression “digging in someone else’s underwear”, which means washing bones, discussing someone, poking your nose into other people’s business. In fact, seeing your underwear, you give the guest room for imagination and speculation, because he saw your personal, intimate thing that he should not have seen! By the way, this can be said not only about underwear, but also about other things of an intimate nature. If you do not want the attention of guests to be occupied only by objects that speak about your personal life, it is better to hide them.
Documents and securities
My home is my castle. But this fortress is not always sufficiently protected from envious people who come to our house. It is impossible to keep documents in an open and accessible place, especially if they are valuable! Sometimes one document is more valuable than any money, and some people’s curiosity is limitless. Why devote strangers to your affairs and give them a reason to gossip with friends after leaving your home about where you bought a new apartment, from whom you received an inheritance, or to whom you wrote a power of attorney?
And this is also obvious: why show your own well-being once again? But there is another, not so obvious reason for hiding jewelry. If you believe in omens, a guest’s request to see and try on jewelry should upset you. It is believed that by putting on other people’s jewelry, especially rings, especially wedding rings, one can take away all problems, failures, illnesses and ailments from the owner of the jewelry. And vice versa: by giving your jewelry to be tried on, you also give away part of your health and family well-being.
Clutter and trash
Here we are talking about a banal everyday life and the level of your economy and cleanliness. Nobody encourages you to go overboard with cleaning! But it is ugly and uncivilized to leave things thrown in a hurry where they are lying around. Guests will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable at the sight of the mess. And someone may even be offended, thinking that he is not too worthy, apparently, of your attention, since you do not bother to remove a dirty thing from your eyes.
And about garbage any more or less observant person can say a lot. You don’t want to share the details of your personal life, do you?
No, if your plans include a detailed story about what you have recently been ill with or from what you are now being treated, of course, you can leave the first-aid kit in plain sight. But it seems that such conversations are better left for the queue at the clinic. Not too fun either, but at least appropriate.