Things in the house that should not be shown to a man
Otherwise, there is a chance to frighten off the gentleman, and he will not return to the walls of your apartment again.
If you decide to invite a man to visit, check if there are any things in your house that could permanently ruin your relationship. Only it seems that men are callous, do not pay attention to anything and nothing to hook them. In fact, they are very attentive, especially when it comes to the woman they like. Make sure that these things in your house do not catch his eye …
1. Personal hygiene products
Yes, men know everything without us. But why should they also see it? Tampons, pads, ointments for acne, rashes, creams for skin problems, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and other things … Of course, when people live together for a long time, it will not be possible to hide all these jars for a long time. But at least for the first time, do not deprive both of you of the romantic flair, in which there is no place for such hygienic things.
2. Gifts and reminders of the ex
Men are owners and jealous! Even if they don’t admit it. And, admit it, it would also be unpleasant for you to see in your man’s house the things of his ex, their joint photos or gifts that were obviously given to him by some rather close woman. Since a person does not get rid of these things, it means that they still mean something to him. How else? Whether there is a place for you among these memorabilia is the question.
3. Things that are used for magical purposes
Imagine: a man comes to your home, and there are strange masks, glass balls, cards, including Tarot, medallions, fortune-telling attributes … The first thought that flashes in his mind is: “Didn’t you bewitch him?” Ladies who believe in mystical things always scare men away. It is better to give your partner information that you are fond of mysticism, horoscopes, fortune-telling and other esotericism in a dosed manner.
4. Disorder
On an instinctive level, a man looks for a mistress in a woman who will lead her life and keep the hearth. And when you have three bags of garbage at home, a centimeter layer of dust and the floor sticks to your socks, it immediately becomes clear that a woman is not at all accustomed to cleanliness, she cannot create comfort, she does not need comfort. This means that she is not a mistress, and neither is her wife.
5. Documentation
This point is a bit cynical, but still. No matter how you trust people, do not rush to introduce them to the course of your values, property, debts, loans, mortgages and other things … Money, valuables, property can attract a potential freeloader who will be glad that he will come to everything ready and do not have to bother earning to the hut. And loans, mortgages and loans, on the contrary, will alienate a man, because he may think that at the stage of a more serious relationship, you will demand from him to help cover his debts.
6. Lots of antiques
Openwork tablecloths, vintage carpets and suitcases, furniture that was used by a great-grandmother, a bed that squeaks louder than the howl of a siren – all this repels not only a man, but also any person in general. After all, there will be a feeling that there is no life in this house, it has flowed away or froze. All this rubbish speaks not about the thrift of the hostess, but about the lack of a taste for life. But men appreciate in women the ability to ignite and inspire!
7. Combs with hair, used sponges and cotton swabs
Girls sometimes do not even notice these things and look at them with different eyes, they say, this is hair, you can’t get away from it, or is it cosmetics, what’s terrible? In fact, it all looks untidy, gives the girl a dirty look. And the topic of hair in general for men is like a terrible nightmare, especially when they find it in the sink of the bathroom and sink, in food, on the floor …
8. Underwear
Some people think that it is sexy – “accidentally” leaving lace panties in a prominent place. In fact, it’s better not to do that. Your relationship will develop without it if you like each other. But men appreciate the accuracy of things. And they love it when things are in their places.