Things in the house that need to be changed more often than you think

Everything has its own expiration date. And some items have a shorter lifespan than we would like.

Every day we spend a lot of time keeping our own and our surroundings clean. Cleaning and hand washing have become especially relevant during a pandemic: disinfectants from store shelves scatter in a matter of hours. However, some things are useless to wash and wash – after a while they just need to be changed. And do it more often.

Toilet brush

How old is yours, can you remember? An inconspicuous detail, but necessary in every home. But sometimes it is used for years, especially in rented apartments. How much bacteria accumulates on the brush during this time, I don’t even want to imagine. Moreover, many people use the brush incorrectly, preventing it from drying out after cleaning the toilet bowl.

How often to change: every 6 months.

Rubber gloves

First, they need to be washed clean after each use. That is, not just rinse, but thoroughly wash. Second, use a separate pair for each room or purpose. That is, wash the windows in some, the floor in others, the bath in the third, and the dishes in the fourth.

How often to change: if the slightest crack appears on the glove, they must be ruthlessly thrown away.  

Sponge for washing dishes

Well, here the experts are already tired of repeating: a sponge is the dirtiest thing in the house. In terms of the level of bacterial contamination, it breaks records and is even able to furnish a toilet bowl. Cleaning sponges is almost useless. No, you can do this after each use, for example, warm it up in the microwave. But you still need to change very often.

How often to change: once a week, maximum two.

Kitchen towel

You need to send kitchen towels to the wash every day. An exception is if only you did not appear in the kitchen that day and did not take a towel in your hands. Well, if you regularly use towels to wipe dishes or from the table, then in the evening they need to be sent to the typewriter.

How often to change: once a year.


In the case of plates and cups, a lot depends on the material and manufacturer. But the general recommendations are the same: if the drawing on the dishes has faded, then it’s time to send the utensils to retirement. And if a chip appears, then you need to throw out the dishes right away, even if it’s only a week like from a store.

How often to change: on average, once every 7 years.

Hallway rug

The first thing that meets you after coming home. The thing is very useful: if it were not for the rug, then dirt and dust from the street would be carried through the rooms without any obstacles. Over time, however, the rug can become more dangerous than outdoor shoes – even if you clean it regularly.

How often to change: every 3 months


Try to experiment for the sake of buying white slippers and carrying them for a month. We guarantee you won’t want to wear them again after a couple of weeks. On colored slippers, dirt is not so noticeable, but this does not mean that they are not there. Therefore, household shoes should be washed quite often, in no case should you share your slippers with guests and generally should not be given to anyone to wear them.

How often to change: every 4-6 months.

Plastic containers

The thing is very comfortable, durable, and can last for many years. But this is just something dangerous: containers are made of plastic, which slowly but surely releases toxic substances into the environment. Moreover, in the microwave, the process is intensified so that doctors have already warned more than once: in no case should you heat food in containers.

How often to change: when cracks appear, discoloration or once a year.

Bath screen

It constantly accumulates moisture, sediment from water, the remains of soap suds, skin particles. No wonder that mold begins to nest sooner or later even on the water-repellent curtain. Some particularly meticulous experts advise changing the curtain once a month. However, you should not go to extremes either.

How often to change: once every three months, once a month – wash.

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