Things in the house that betray your low self-esteem

Things in the house that betray your low self-esteem

We remove what is high time to change both in the apartment and in life.

Self-esteem is a perception of our strengths and weaknesses, how well we handle life compared to others. If self-esteem is inadequate, the person has problems. He loses motivation, devalues ​​seemingly worthy goals, or even completely falls into depression. This state can be determined by who and what a person surrounds himself with. So which things should you keep in your home, and which ones should you get rid of? We will tell you in our material.

Clutter in the house

The first thing that can mean low self-esteem is a dirty home, outright mess, scattered things. A person cannot be comfortable and well in an uncleaned room, because a harmonious person strives for comfort and tries to provide it for himself. And what comfort can there be if unwashed floors and dishes, unwashed garbage are literally suffocating. A person with normal self-esteem will pick up a broom and a rag to put things in order. And the one who has low self-esteem may not pay attention to the surrounding mess at all – he is already fine.

But don’t confuse a real mess with a creative mess. The second one is still local and does not spread throughout the apartment.

Old things

Don’t be confused with antiques, retro, and classy vintage pieces. If you dare to penetrate deeper into the “den”, you will find another manifestation of low self-esteem. Some people are reluctant to part with obsolete things. You will probably find they have a warehouse of old shoes, outdated and worn-out clothes. Technically, you can still wear it, but it is out of fashion, and it looks so-so. Such people are not sure that they deserve the best. They are often even ashamed to spend money on themselves and buy new things. Therefore, they keep the old – again, and so it will come down, in front of whom to show off.

Broken things

The third category of things that will give out a low self-esteem of the owner is broken or unnecessary things. A cracked cup, a saucer with a chipped edge will complement an unsightly picture. Risking to sit on the sofa, you can stumble upon a spring that has jumped out. And a bent-legged stool will instantly bring you down to sinful earth. From there, you will see the frozen clock hands. A dusty old TV, a sewing machine, a cracked mirror, and a rickety cabinet door complete the picture. Remember the rule: everything that is broken and does not work must be repaired or thrown away. By constantly bumping into non-working things, you create obstacles in your head for a better version of yourself. As you know, outside as well as inside.

Sterile clean

When you come to visit someone, you feel as if you are in a museum. Everything is so sterile, built on a ruler, that it seems just blasphemy to disturb this ideal world. At the same time, it seems that the person living here is buttoned up and afraid to show his individuality. Suddenly someone suspects him of imperfection. And someone else’s opinion is so important to this person. Without evaluating those around him, he does not seem to exist at all.

Of course, only on the basis of the environment and the presence or absence of some things, it is impossible to make a final diagnosis of a person’s self-esteem. But this is undoubtedly a reason to think and take a closer look at both yourself and your environment.

One more thing. If you suddenly find a “sofa dweller” in your home, do not hesitate: your self-esteem has long fallen below the plinth. And yet, yes, a man in this case is a thing.

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