Things in the apartment that spoil the karma of the hostess

Things in the apartment that spoil the karma of the hostess

We all leave an energy footprint. And at this time we are influenced by many different events, people and objects.

Psychologist and personal growth coach

“Many people are familiar with this situation when various oddities begin to appear in the apartment.. For example, you notice that the energy has changed, you feel bad, plans are thwarted, everything falls out of hand. It means that the time has come to conduct an audit for the presence of things that depress. “


Climbing plants have a very specific ability. Being in an apartment, they can attract diseases. And outside, on the contrary, troubles scare away. Therefore, they can often be found on the facade of buildings. At first glance, harmless pansies and spruce branches can also provoke misfortune. Since ancient times, these plants were considered graveyard. Therefore, you should not keep them at home as a symbol of the other world. It is also better to get rid of dried flowers, especially reeds. Many florists advise getting a begonia – a symbol of well-being.

Broken things

The older generation has retained the habit of not throwing away a broken or worn-out thing, it will suddenly come in handy. It would be most correct to get rid of it in time so as not to cause trouble. Few people think that such things carry negative energy. You have experienced many events (good and bad) around them. Just imagine what a layer of energy they contain! Therefore, part with the trash with peace of mind. However, you need to do it right. Better not to put the bags in the trash, as someone might pick it up and take over your vitality. After all, what we touch is already invisibly connected with us. Therefore, arrange a fun fireplace in the country, saying goodbye to the past. Clear the space for new things to come!

From former residents

Former apartment owners often leave their belongings. The current owners happen, they even rejoice at the finds – after all, they can be useful. However, over time, they notice that, for example, nightmares are dreaming. They cannot understand what is the matter. They ventilate the room, do the cleaning regularly, and dreams continue to torment. It becomes clear that the matter is in the sofa from the past tenants. We must take into account the fact that when selling an apartment, everyone is trying to put the mansions in a favorable light. No one will scare customers by the fact that a seriously ill person was lying on this couch or something worse.

Little things

The main sources of negative energy: non-working hours, a calendar with an unturned page, worn out slippers and broken glass or mirror. You need to get rid of them first.

Stuffed animals

Some people think that antlers on the wall or a rug made of bearskin will add status. But we must realize that the animals, before getting into the apartment (and partially), were painfully deprived of their lives. So, these creepy artifacts will definitely not please.

Broken cell phone

The telephone is the most important energy storage device in an apartment. After all, it is in it that almost the entire life of a modern person is stored. Our eye is so arranged that it cannot see mental connections extending from the subtle world (otherwise we would have gone crazy!) However, scientists have proven that electronics is not just a means of entertainment or communication. It is also a kind of portal that can interact with energy. Therefore, it is important to delete photos, information and clean the history related to the negative (illness, etc.). If your gadget has become unusable and cannot be repaired, then you do not need to leave it as a souvenir or in order to disassemble it for details. Get rid of it as soon as possible and start a new life with a new phone!


If everything was thrown out, and failures continue to haunt, then it is necessary to start looking for a lining. By this is meant animal bones, paws, hair, needles, stones or earth in a bag. These charmed elements were brought into the house to spoil the house.

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