Things carry our energy – what to do with old things
The fact that you need to clean the space around you almost weekly has long been known, especially to adherents of Buddhism. It’s not just about general cleaning, but more even getting rid of things that you no longer need. Moreover, they are not always old, sometimes just unnecessary.
Have you decided to give out your belongings? Always part with them with a pure heart, without thinking that perhaps someday the day of that dress or this blouse would come. If even a drop of pity remains in you, then your energy will go away with the given thing. Be sure to perform the ritual of separating you from the thing: “In this dress / coat / shoes there is no me, it’s just a thing.” It is necessary not only to say it, even if mentally, it must be sincerely believed in.
If you donate things to a charitable foundation and are afraid that you will give the future owners, along with clothes and shoes, a part of yourself, cut them off. Close your eyes, visualize the threads connecting you, and mentally cut each and every one with scissors.
The main thing is that whoever you give your things to, mentally wish that new ones take their place. And then the new thing will not be long in coming.
If you are determined to make at least some profit from unnecessary things, second-hand shops, thrift stores and classified sites are at your service. But in this case, things should also be “cleaned” – from their energy. Put everything you want to hand over in a bag, light an aroma candle next to it and let it burn out. You can also use salt. Add 2-3 tablespoons of coarse salt to the water and rinse the garments in this water.
However, if you are not sure that you will not miss your favorite blouse or sweater, then it is better to cut them into small pieces and burn them.
Of course, not all of your belongings can be given away. Feng Shui experts do not recommend sharing hats, underwear, shoes, wallets and combs, explaining that these items are too closely related to their owners.
What else is not worth keeping?
– things, when wearing which you experience physical or psychological discomfort: squeezes your throat, your hands itch, the color does not suit you, or the thing evokes unpleasant memories;
– clothing with spots and holes, worn out, faded and out of fashion. Your closet is not a rags warehouse, remember this;
– tights with arrows, left under winter jeans;
– things, the existence of which you did not even remember a minute ago, and even now you can hardly imagine yourself in them;
– books that you have read a long time ago, and there is no desire to re-read a second time.
Second life of old things
No matter how argued that each thing has its own term, any housewife will sooner or later decide to extend the life of an old sweater, a backpack from her youth or something else. Of course, such ideas also have a right to exist.
It is not for nothing that in ancient times our ancestors created the patchwork technique of needlework. They never threw away anything, but “recycled”, thereby creating beautiful and original things from unnecessary wardrobe items.
So, if you have a creative streak, free time and a lot of things that have come to be reborn – go ahead, perhaps you will create incredible author’s creations that will decorate the walls of your home or your friends.
And you can also arrange a beautiful box or chest where you will keep the most-most beloved and dear things to your heart. Pajamas that my mother gave me, earrings bought on my first trip abroad, and other favors associated with the most tender and warm memories.