Thin wrists are a sign of femininity

Thin wrists are a sign of femininity

Narrow graceful wrists have long been considered a sign of aristocracy and the presence of blue blood in the veins of their owner. Girls of noble, noble birth could boast of predominantly thin wrists – they were larger and more massive among peasant daughters. Today, thin wrists are still considered a woman’s adornment.

If you can wrap your thumb and forefinger around your wrist, you have really thin bone. Asthenic body type combines a number of features: long fingers, narrow palms and thin wrists. A similar structure of the hand most often belongs to women of a neurotic temperament with a fine mental organization.

Women with thin wrists are hypersensitive and emotionally susceptible, and are also prone to hysteria and depression.

Usually, those with narrow wrists are lightweight, have a fast metabolism, low blood pressure and meteorological dependence. In addition, they are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, changes in atmospheric pressure, changing time zones and new daily routines. Also, women with thin wrists freeze more than others – even in the heat they have cool hands, which indicates impaired peripheral circulation. Doctors recommend asthenics to move more often and more in order to disperse the blood.

According to numerous studies, men find women with narrow, graceful wrists to be sexier and more feminine. If, at the same time, a woman also has thin ankles and a narrow waist, her sexuality is beyond doubt. Such features of the skeleton directly testify to the femininity of their owner, hidden talents, creative and vulnerable nature.

Some girls prefer to emphasize the thinness of their wrists with various accessories and even tattoos. Narrow wrists with graceful gold chain bracelets look very feminine and sexy. A thin strap of an expensive watch that wraps around a fragile aristocratic wrist will look no less impressive. You can enhance the impression by stylishly tucking the sleeves of your clothes or wearing an evening dress with low-cut shoulders.

Massive bracelets also look very beautiful on a narrow hand, in sharp contrast to its fragility and grace, but the main thing here is not to overdo it with the number of bracelets

Feminine beautiful tattoos in the form of inscriptions, butterflies, feathers, flowers, hieroglyphs and bows look extravagant and original on thin wrists. They draw even more attention to the graceful hands and decorate them as much as possible – if, of course, the tattoo is done quite professionally and artistically.

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