Thick and thin: who gets paid more?

British scientists amazed the world with another discovery. It turns out that overweight men earn more than their leaner counterparts.

The new male ideal in British style

How so? But what about the coveted squares on a shaggy male belly, arousing the sincere interest of women? Is the attention of the fair sex inversely proportional to high income? Maybe it makes sense for girls of marriageable age to be more supportive of the owners of the XXL size? We asked Nizhniy Novgorod about the attitude to the British discovery from different spheres of activity.

Natalia Zvyagintseva, TV presenter (NNTV):

“Have you noticed that there are practically no fat men among rich men? Overweight is the lot of people who do not have enough money for normal food, and they are forced to eat fast food. So a big belly and loose shapes are more typical for a loser than for a fat bag. Moreover, in order to earn a fortune, you need remarkable health, and it cannot be installed with excess weight. And even if the wealth came as a gift, by inheritance, a man seeks to maintain good physical shape in order to enjoy the benefits of life for as long as possible. It is no coincidence that most of the visitors to the most expensive sports clubs are not young people, but mature people over the age of forty. So the British scientists once again got into a puddle. “

Ekaterina Chudakova, director of the Miss Nizhny Novgorod bureau:

“British scientists have given out another portion of nonsense. A man’s income depends on his business qualities and professionalism, and not on the size of his clothes. As for me, since childhood I liked fat boys, and all my boyfriends were fat men. Married, however, married a slender man, but over the years, and he turned into the ideal of childhood. In this case, alas, income has not changed in any way. “

Do not feed your loved one without measure! There will be no more money, but more problems

Alla Sergeevna Polyashova, candidate of medical sciences, nutrition expert:

“It all depends on how much weight a person has, muscle or fat. Naturally, a man with good muscle mass is more efficient than one with excess fat mass. As for the aforementioned discovery of British scientists, they post something new almost every day, and this is not always close to Russian realities. In general, the weight of different peoples is different, depending on the composition of the body. Russian men are stronger in terms of muscle mass, since they have always done a lot of physical labor. Americans are looser, which is largely due to their diet.

If a person has excess muscle mass, he is healthy, efficient, then he may well achieve success in the matter of well-being. A man with excess fat mass acquires various diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, oncology, etc.), which significantly reduce the standard of living and shorten its duration. It is hardly possible to speak about high working capacity, and therefore about high incomes ”.

От редакции: don’t believe, girls, British scientists! There is not a single intelligible argument to explain their next “brilliant” discovery. But doctors say: the more a man’s weight, the less testosterone he has. And this, you know, is a hormone that is responsible for male solvency, not in a financial sense. But what fat men really have in excess is the risks of heart attack, stroke and other consequences of off-scale kilograms. And if, nevertheless, in a man you are attracted primarily by the size of a bank account, pay attention to those who are more built: there are definitely more chances of finding what you are looking for.

Such cupid is likely to miss

Ksenia Kupriyanova, Yaroslava Rybkina

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