Thick and long eyelashes: how to achieve the effect? Video

Thick and long eyelashes: how to achieve the effect? Video

Lush and thick eyelashes are a real decoration and a valuable gift of nature. If your lashes don’t differ in strength and length, they can be improved with modern cosmetics and proven home remedies. Gentle care will help strengthen the hairs and significantly increase their length and thickness.

Thick and long eyelashes: how to grow

How to grow eyelashes: the best homemade recipes

Weak, falling out and too thin eyelashes cause a lot of grief to their owner. Home remedies like castor oil can help strengthen and nourish your hairs. Buy the drug in capsules or in a bottle, one package will be enough for you for a long time. Better yet, use oil with added vitamins A and E.

For the procedure, you will need:

  • Castor oil
  • clean brush (you can use a baby toothbrush)
  • cotton swab

It is best to lubricate eyelashes with oil in the evening before going to bed. Remove makeup thoroughly with lotion or cosmetic milk. Heat the castor oil bottle in a water bath. Apply a drop of the product to your finger and bring it to your eye. Blinking, distribute the preparation over the eyelashes.

This method will prevent oil from getting into your eyes.

Use a clean, soft brush to comb your lashes from root to tip. After 30-60 minutes, blot your eyes with a cotton swab, this is necessary so as not to stain the pillow with oil during sleep. Perform the procedure at least once a week. Brittle and dull hair can be treated every evening for 2-3 weeks, and then it is worth taking a break.

Castor oil can be applied not only to eyelashes but also to eyebrows

Make strong black tea compresses on a regular basis to help your eyelashes acquire shine and vibrant color. Pour a teaspoon of tea leaves with half a glass of boiling water, and then leave for half an hour. Strain the broth, soak cotton pads in it, squeeze them slightly and place them on closed eyelids so that the compress completely covers the eyelashes. Leave the tampons on for 10 minutes and then remove. You do not need to wash your face after the procedure.

An alternative to homemade recipes is special creams and serums for eyelash growth.

They include useful substances:

  • biopeptid
  • vitamins
  • extracts from the root of ginseng and ginkgo biloba

Look for products that are free of mineral oils, parabens, and other ingredients that can cause eye swelling or inflammation.

Use only quality mascara. Check the expiration date of the product – after its end, the remains of the mascara should be thrown away

Eyelash serums are packaged in bottles with a built-in brush or brush. After removing makeup daily, apply the product to the roots of the lashes, distributing it along the entire length of the hairs. Manufacturers promise that after 4 weeks your eyelashes will strengthen, stop falling out, become thicker and longer.

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