They wanted to disconnect the 13-year-old from the apparatus. Suddenly a miracle happened

A 13-year-old from Alabama had an accident in which he suffered extensive brain trauma and fell into a coma. Trenton McKinley was hospitalized and hooked up to life support equipment. After two months, the doctors concluded that he had no chance of survival. They decided to disconnect him from the specialized equipment, and the boy’s mother agreed to transplant his organs to five different recipients. Suddenly the boy’s condition began to improve. He unexpectedly regained consciousness, and the media around the world described it as a “living miracle”.

Trenton McKinley is 13 years old and lives in Mobile, Alabama. The accident happened in March. He suffered a severe brain injury when he fell off a car trailer, which overturned and hit him on the head.

He was immediately transported to the hospital, where he was resuscitated four times. The boy suffered extensive brain trauma, his skull was fractured in several places. During the last resuscitation, which lasted 15 minutes, he was diagnosed with brain stem damage, and the boy’s heart was beating only because of the adrenaline he had injected. The specialists managed to restore his vital functions, but he was still in a coma. For several weeks he lived only thanks to life-support devices.

Doctors did not give him a chance to survive and wanted to disconnect him from the apparatus. At the urging of doctors, parents signed papers enabling organ donation for five children waiting for transplants.

Shortly before disconnecting him from the ventilator, he unexpectedly began to recover. Soon he regained consciousness and began to regain his mental and physical fitness. The boy must wear a special helmet to protect his head and undergo rehabilitation.

– There is no other explanation for what happened than God. Even the doctors admitted it, Trenton told the media.

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