They searched for a missing teen for six months. Investigators learned the truth thanks to a nervous breakdown

Services and volunteers searched for 16-year-old American Skylar Neese for several months. However, the truth about the missing girl was revealed only six months later thanks to a friend. The girl, under the influence of a nervous breakdown, decided to testify.

  1. Three friends smoked marijuana from time to time. According to doctors, this can affect the condition of the body and cause anxiety and paranoid states
  2. The assassins, although confessed to the crime, never expressed remorse. One of them Shelia Eddy she feigned regret, took part in the search for and hanging leaflets
  3. The case was solved thanks to the testimony of Rachel Shoaf. The girl had a nervous breakdown and “burst”. She went to the police and told her what she knew about Skylar Neese’s death
  4. You can find more similar news on the main page of TvoiLokony

Skylar Neese was a 16-year-old American woman living in West Virginia. The girl was liked, she studied well, and showed no signs of struggling with any major problems. But On July 6, 2012, something unexpected happened. At night, she went out the window of the house where she lived with her parents. Her desperate guardians David and Maria they immediately informed the police about the whole matter.

The case became even more mysterious after reviewing home monitoring. It turned out that no one was waiting for the girl. She did not drive away herself either. At some point walked out of the camera’s viewing area and disappeared. The search began immediately. For the next six months, no trace of the missing teenager was found.

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A nervous breakdown betrayed her

The solution to the case came to light thanks to her friend Rachel Shoaf, who was hospitalized after she was diagnosed with a nervous breakdown. This gave doctors and investigators food for thought. Usually, such a state appears as a strong reaction of the body to a sudden, unforeseen situation, a traumatic event, or an accumulation of long-term stress.

A nervous breakdown can have various symptoms that are sometimes difficult to classify correctly at first glance, and affect both the body and the psyche. And they are:

  1. lack of appetite, digestive problems, nausea and vomiting, and weight loss;
  2. weakness, increased sweating, trembling hands;
  3. migraines, dizziness, shortness of breath, rapid pulse and palpitations;
  4. apathy, lack of motivation to act and social withdrawal;
  5. anxiety, attacks of aggression and crying;
  6. cognitive impairment and insomnia;

After Shoaf left the hospital and returned home, she reported herself to the police and told the officers the whole terrifying truth. The girl admitted that she had arranged a night escapade with Neese and a third person, their mutual friend Shelia Eddy.

The girls got into the car together and drove 30 km away to smoke marijuana together. It was nothing new. Before that, they had spent their time in this way many times.

Smoking marijuana has many consequences for the body, including

  1. May contribute to the development of schizophrenia;
  2. May cause anxiety and paranoid states;
  3. Weakens memory;
  4. May be addictive;

When they got there, the girls got out of the car, but Neese tried to go back to the car to get a cigarette lighter. Then unexpected blows fell on her. The murderous friends stabbed her 50 times with a knife.

As it turned out, both girls had been preparing for the murder for a long time. To the scene of the planned crime, they took with them a “serial killer kit” consisting of towels, bleach, a shovel and a change of clothes.

Further investigation and trial proceeded without any unexpected twists. Both girls confessed to the murder. Shoaf was sentenced to 30 years in prison, with the possibility of parole after serving 10 years.

Eddy was sentenced to life imprisonment after serving 15 years in a separate, slightly later trial. When the case came to light, the girl pretended to be devastated by the whole situation.

«You will always be my best friend. I miss you more than you might know » she wrote on Twitter.

None of the convicts expressed remorse during the trial, nor did they reveal the reasons for their behavior. During the investigation, the girls only said that they “did not want to hang out with her anymore”. It seems, however, that both of them could have psychopathic tendencies, since they could conceal the truth about the person who was close to them for so long.

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Psychopath – how to recognize him?

Medicine textbooks do not know about such a disease entity as psychopathy. A psychopath, unlike a sociopath, can have a wide circle of friends and be attracted to a social environment. However, this makes it even more dangerous.

The psychopath’s personality is characterized by the following attributes:

  1. lack of empathy with the simultaneous ability to justify each own behavior, regardless of its moral evaluation;
  2. high threshold of feeling anxiety and fear, which leads to disregard for authorities, norms and social rules;
  3. tendency to lie, mislead and manipulate other people in order to gain benefits;
  4. no responsibility for one’s own actions and shifting the blame for one’s own failures onto others;
  5. a strong belief in one’s own uniqueness, supported by or unrealistic achievements, and a low threshold for feeling frustrated.

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