What is garbage for one person is treasure for another.
“Things have to work,” my friend Anya said forcefully. It was about a bedside table for a laptop: it was practically new, but she no longer needed it. Therefore, Anya decided to post it to the district group on the social network with the caption “I will give it for free.”
“But why don’t you want to sell it?” – I tried to appeal to her self-interest. “Fuss a lot,” Anya brushed aside. – The price for him is five hundred rubles, I won’t get poorer. He’s no longer needed anyway. Now I have a normal table. “
We have this fashion – to distribute unnecessary things – is still in its infancy. Yes, on the sites of free ads you can find the sections “Give for free”, but most often kittens or puppies are attached there. And if they give it away, then it is completely unnecessary trash. Moreover, the Food Sharing movement appeared in social networks, when they distribute unnecessary food. Moreover, the lots are often very embarrassing: an unfinished pack of cheap tea, half-eaten cereals, expired cereals. But such offers, oddly enough, are also in demand.
But in the United States, it is completely different to get rid of unnecessary things. In New York, for example, old wardrobes, armchairs, dressers, even appliances are simply put out the door. Moreover, these things do not necessarily have lost their appearance or out of order. They just suddenly became unnecessary for some reason. But they will certainly be useful to someone else!
There are even communities on the web dedicated to such “street treasures”. If someone sees that there is a thing at the house intended for “an annex”, they take a picture of it and, together with the address, send it to the address of the group on the social network. There is no doubt that the little thing will soon disappear from the street and go to a new place of residence. By the way, it is interesting to subscribe to such groups even for the sake of just seeing what people are willing to give away or even throw it away.
And there is something to see: there are antique birdcages, and a mini-grand piano, and a stylish chaise longue chair, and a painted chest of drawers, and whole collections of indoor plants, and much more: from dressing tables to pretty sofas. Even on sale, such things can be very expensive. And in the sections “I will give away for nothing” this is not to be found: it is not customary for us to give away something that can still be sold. That is why on the sites of free ads sometimes you come across such lots that it is embarrassing to even look at – and after all, someone buys them.
But you must admit, it’s a good tradition. After all, it can take a lot of time to sell these things, the proceeds will not be so much money. At the same time, such an accidental acquisition will simply make someone happy – for example, the sofa should have been changed long ago, but there is still no money.