They plastered Elizaveta

Sea buckthorn Elizabeth is the reason for the revival of interest in planting this crop. Thanks to a painstaking selection process and the development of a new variety, it was possible to minimize the shortcomings that were previously found in other sea buckthorn varieties.

History of breeding

The beginning of work on breeding the Elizaveta variety is considered to be 1981, when the domestic scientist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Elizaveta Panteleeva, began to breed seeds of the Panteleevskaya sea buckthorn variety.

These seeds have been pre-treated with a chemical that promotes genetic mutation in plant cells. So, after 16 years of careful selection of the resulting crops, a new variety of sea buckthorn Elizaveta was bred. In 1997, the variety was brought to Rosreestr and recommended for cultivation.

Description of berry culture

Sea buckthorn Elizaveta is a variety with high yields and good taste. The culture is decorative and large-fruited, due to which it has become widespread.

General idea of ​​the variety

Variety Elizabeth is a dwarf shrub with a small crown. The leaves have an elongated shape characteristic of this plant, as well as a variety of colors – dark green at the top and olive with a silvery sheen in the lower part of the shrub.

Below is a photo of sea buckthorn Elizabeth, which shows that the crown of a shrub is most often oval or spherical in shape. This variety has very few spines.

They plastered Elizaveta


The description of sea buckthorn Elizabeth also includes the characteristics of the fruit. Berries about 1-1,2 cm long, elongated, reminiscent of a cylinder. On average, the weight of one sea buckthorn fruit is about 1 g. The pulp is dense and juicy, because it contains 10% sugar.


Characteristics of the sea buckthorn variety Elizabeth allows you to get complete information about the timing of flowering and ripening of the plant, the main advantages of the variety, as well as the areas of application of sea buckthorn fruits.

Main advantages

Elizabeth differs from other varieties of sea buckthorn in its unpretentious care, high yields and resistance to low temperatures. To verify this, a comparison can be made between different varieties of sea buckthorn. For example, sea buckthorn Elizaveta and Druzhina are considered large-fruited varieties, but the weight of berries and yield indicators for the Elizaveta variety are higher.

Flowering period and ripening period

The flowering period of the berry crop falls on the end of April – the beginning of May. The fruits begin to ripen in the third decade of August, so Elizabeth is considered a late variety of sea buckthorn.

Yield indicators, fruiting terms

A high yield is one of the main features characteristic of the Elizabeth variety. More than 12 kg of berries are harvested from one adult bush. At the same time, regular fruiting occurs already in the 4th year of the plant’s life.

A shrub can bear fruit for 10-12 years, after which it must be regularly rejuvenated or new plants obtained from cuttings of this tree should be planted.

Advice! To increase the yield of the plant, it is important to provide proper care.

Scope of berries

Elizabeth belongs to dessert varieties, so the berries can be used both in their pure form and for preparing a variety of dishes and desserts, or traditional medicine.

They plastered Elizaveta

Disease and pest resistance

The sea buckthorn variety Elizabeth is distinguished by strong immunity to many diseases and pests. Proper care and prevention increase the resistance of the plant to diseases, reduce the growth of the number of pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of sea buckthorn Elizabeth:

  • large-fruited;
  • taste qualities of berries;
  • ornamental shrub;
  • high yields;
  • excellent tolerance to low temperatures;
  • resistance to diseases and pests.

Cultural disadvantages include:

  • late fruiting period;
  • self-infertility;
  • sensitivity to sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

Despite the weaknesses, Elizabeth is still considered one of the best dessert and large-fruited varieties.

Rules of landing

Growing sea buckthorn Elizabeth has its own characteristics. The choice of the place and timing of planting, as well as the careful selection of seedlings, plays an important role in the further growth and development of the berry crop.

Recommended dates

Sea buckthorn is planted in spring or autumn. In the first case, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers to the soil, and then provide the plant with proper care. If planting is done in the fall, then you should make sure that the root system is intact. The seedling must be covered with dense material before the onset of spring.

Spring planting of sea buckthorn. How to distinguish male sea buckthorn from female

Choosing the right place

The optimal place for planting a seedling is the southern, sunny side of the site. Many reviews of sea buckthorn Elizabeth contain information that the culture prefers sandy soils with a neutral or alkaline pH.

Important! The root system of the sprawling type of sea buckthorn does not allow the shrub to be located close to other plants.

Therefore, it is worth stopping your choice in areas near fences or small buildings.

Soil Preparation

Preparation of a pit for planting a seedling of sea buckthorn is carried out in about a month (if planting is planned in the fall), or six months in advance (if in the spring). It is necessary to dig a hole with a diameter and a depth of 50 cm. Then prepare and pour into the hole a substrate from a mixture of humus and sand with a small addition of ash.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

When buying seedlings, pay attention to planting material. The seedling should not have any damage, and the root system should be healthy.

To get a rich harvest, you must purchase two seedlings at once: male and female. They differ in the shape of the kidneys and the number of scales. On a female plant, the buds are elongated and have a maximum of 3 scales, while on a male plant, the buds are rounded with up to 7 scales.

Algorithm and landing scheme

Planting sea buckthorn Elizabeth is carried out in several stages:

  1. Pit and soil preparation.
  2. Installing a seedling in the center of the pit and straightening the root system.
  3. Inserting the substrate into the pit.
  4. Soil compaction.
  5. Watering the earth and mulching it with sawdust with the addition of peat.

For stability, the seedling is tied to a peg.

Culture aftercare

Planting and caring for sea buckthorn Elizabeth, as mentioned earlier, has its own characteristics. The plant requires a certain watering regimen, regular fertilization, as well as the adoption of measures to combat diseases and pests.

Necessary activities

Despite the fact that the culture is drought-resistant, do not forget about watering the plant. In no case should the soil dry out and crack, but sea buckthorn also does not tolerate stagnant water. The irrigation regime depends on the region and climate in which the shrub grows. On average, an adult tree takes about 35 liters of water at a time.

In the first three years of the plant’s life, no fertilizer is needed. After that, it is recommended to feed the plant with ammonium nitrate, and after flowering – with potassium humate in liquid form. For autumn, wood ash mixed with superphosphate and potassium salt is perfect.

Important! Do not forget about regular weeding and loosening the soil after each watering or rain.

shrub pruning

The height of the sea buckthorn Elizabeth is on average about 2,5 meters, but in order to obtain a richer harvest and form a neat crown, the bush is pruned. The procedure is carried out twice a year:

  • in early spring;
  • in the fall.

They plastered Elizaveta

In both cases, pruning is sanitary in nature – all dead, dried and damaged shoots are removed.

Preparation for winter

Sea buckthorn is a frost-resistant shrub, so no preparation of the plant for winter is necessary.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

This berry culture shows a fairly strong immunity to diseases, numerous reviews of the sea buckthorn variety Elizabeth confirm this. However, improper care of the plant can cause any disease or insect damage.


Methods of control and prevention


Spraying with copper oxychloride twice a year: as soon as the shrub has faded, and then in July.


Watering seedlings once every few days with a solution of potassium permanganate.


Shrub treatment with Bordeaux mixture a month before fruit picking.



Preventive measures and methods of destruction

sea ​​buckthorn moth

The plant is sprayed during the swelling of the kidneys with a solution of “Karbofos”.

gall mite

With a slight lesion, the plant is sprayed with a decoction of onion peel, otherwise it is treated with insecticidal preparations.

sea ​​buckthorn fly

A shrub in mid-July is sprayed with a solution of Chlorophos.


Sea buckthorn Elizabeth is one of the best varieties of berry culture. Its advantages are large-fruitedness, high yield, tolerance to low temperatures, as well as immunity to most diseases and pests.


Tkach Lidia Georgievna, 64 years old, Kazan
I bought this variety on the recommendation of neighbors. Sea buckthorn Elizaveta turned out to be tasty, unpretentious in care, and most importantly, she was able to decorate our garden. The plant easily tolerates frosts, and for 6 years there has never been any disease.
Rasteryaeva Oksana Dmitrievna, 49 years old, Smolensk
I read on the Internet a description of the sea buckthorn variety Elizabeth and immediately decided to buy it for myself. I ordered it in a trusted nursery, the seedling easily took root on our site, I did not notice any problems in planting or care. Berries are very large, sweet and tasty. I recommend!

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