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We all know someone who claims to have avoided contracting the coronavirus. Although the pandemic has been going on since the end of 2019, there are still people who have not been affected by the infection. How it’s possible? What prevents some people from catching the coronavirus? Dr. Tara Hurst lists possible reasons for this.

  1. Though the coronavirus pandemic has lasted since late 2019, there are still people who say they did not have COVID-19
  2. Dr. Tara Hurst believes that there are really few such people
  3. The specialist says that people who missed this virus must have an exceptionally strong immune system
  4. Dr. Hurst also noted that while some people said they did not have COVID-19, in fact they may not have noticed or ignored symptoms.
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Dr. Tara Hurst, lecturer in biomedical sciences at Birmingham City University, told Birmingham Live that there is such a thing as a “covid lottery”. «There is a population that claims they never had covid. There are also those who have managed to get sick with it even several times »- notes the expert. “This is a very complex topic that attracts the attention of scientists,” he adds.

Dr. Tara Hurst is also tempted to list a few reasons why some people have not yet become ill with the coronavirus.

Why Some People Don’t Get Coronavirus

  1. They had COVID-19 but didn’t notice it

Dr. Hurst noted at the outset that while some people believe they did not have the coronavirus, the reality may be quite different. “There is a high probability that they were infected, but did not have any symptoms” – says the expert. «I would say that it is a group of 45 to 90 percent. people »- he adds.

  1. They mistook the coronavirus for a cold

There is another group of people who have had COVID-19 but have dismissed it and assumed it is the common cold. It should be noted that the coronavirus began to change and its symptoms were no longer as obvious as at the beginning. The patient didn’t have to lose his sense of smell and taste, which could be confusing. Other symptoms were confusingly similar to an ordinary infection or flu.

  1. Not all are tested

Some were regularly tested on the job. Hence, it was immediately possible to catch people who were infected. However, some working from home did not have the chance to get regular tests. Perhaps they were sick, but they ignored the symptoms or did not appear at all.

Tests for COVID-19

Medonet Market offers tests for coronavirus infection:

  1. COVID-19 rapid test – antigen test for self-monitoring
  2. COVID-19 antigen test – SGTi-flex COVID-19 Ag
  3. COVID-19 Ag SGTi-flex home test cartridge
  4. quick antigen test from saliva

  1. They have specific genetic conditions

Dr. Hurst points out that there is a small group of people who may never actually have had the coronavirus and have not been vaccinated. «There are really few of these people. It is difficult to say what exactly is going on with their organisms. While they can become infected with the coronavirus, their cells are not affected. And this means that COVID-19 will not develop in them »- explains the specialist.

  1. Their test showed a wrong result

Coronavirus testing is not foolproof. It happens that the result may be false negative or additions. This means that millions of people may have been misdiagnosed. Though they had the coronavirus, they believed otherwise.

  1. They have a very high resistance

Dr. Hurst notes that people who have never had the coronavirus or have had no symptoms at all are likely to boast exceptional health. «It may depend on their genetics. Basically, however, it all depends on their immune system, which must be extremely strong »- the expert emphasizes. “It is influenced, among other things, by the appropriate level of vitamins D and C in the body and a small amount of stress in life” – he adds.

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