They lurk not only in the forests. What diseases do ticks transmit?
Start Ticks How to protect yourself? Post-bite management Lyme disease Tick-borne encephalitis Other tick-borne diseases Vaccinations Frequently asked questions

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The tick season starts in mid-March. These arachnids lurk not only in forests, but also in parks and zoos. They come to the cities, and although they cannot see us, they sense our smell and our movement. They do not bite, but drink blood. By the way, they infect with deadly diseases.

Ticks are resistant to cold and drought – then they sleep buried in the litter, waiting for the weather to improve. They live not only in forests and meadows. Research conducted in the capital city since 2003 has shown that their number is growing in Warsaw every year. It is similar in other cities. Ticks moved to recreational areas in urban agglomerations. They also noticed that our cellars are warm all year round, so they occupy and feed them even in the winter months, feeding on the blood of mice, rats and cats present there.

Where do ticks live?

Ticks like deciduous parks and tall grasses. They don’t fall on us from trees. They climb to a height of 120 cm, because this is where the ridge of their potential host may be located. When we walk or run in the park, ticks are most likely to attack our legs. – Of course, there may be times when we find ticks stuck behind the ear, but not because it fell from a tree. These arthropods travel around our body for a long time, looking for a dark, secluded place with thin and delicate skin – says Marta Supergan-Marwicz from the Medical University of Warsaw. That is why ticks are eagerly placed around the genitals, groin and knee bends.

Tick ​​bite

The tick’s mouthpiece is an extremely refined structure. The subject is stuck in such a way that it is difficult to detach it. It pierces the skin and forms a trough out of saliva, into which anesthetics and substances that prevent blood clotting are injected, and with them germs. Blood sucks the same way. A biting tick can enlarge its size by a factor of 200. Every tick stage, even a microscopic larva, can bite and infect us. Not all ticks are disease carriers, but you never know if you’ve been bitten by an infected individual. One tick can infect a person with several diseases.

Tick-borne diseases

Ticks living in Poland transmit tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and rickettsiosis. Experts estimate that around 10-15 percent of ticks can be infected with pathogenic germs, especially in the Podlaskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodships and in some parts of Mazowieckie, Opolskie and Dolnośląskie voivodships. The most dangerous disease is tick-borne encephalitis. You can get vaccinated against it, but booster doses must be given every three years. Symptoms of the disease appear within two weeks and are similar to the flu. In 70-80 percent. cases, it is inhibited in this first phase. In the rest of those infected, the viruses travel into the central nervous system, where they can cause meningitis. Sometimes it ends in death, and nearly every second patient leaves the hospital with permanent consequences that require many years of treatment or rehabilitation. Another dangerous disease is Lyme disease, the characteristic symptom of which is gradually expanding redness – but this symptom does not always occur. Fortunately, Lyme disease can be treated with an antibiotic.

Check how the Lyme Disease test works

Spraying on ticks

Research conducted in Warsaw by Marta Supergan-Marwicz from the Medical University of Warsaw showed that strollers are exposed to ticks even in the Royal Łazienki Park, the Zoological Garden and many other green areas. – In parks where the grass is often mowed, and the litter is removed and regularly raided, there are fewer ticks – says the biologist. He adds that no mass spraying against ticks is carried out because no poison has been found that would not kill other organisms. However, it should be remembered that spraying the entire plot will not bring good results, especially when growing fruit bushes or vegetables. In addition to ticks, we can use chemicals to kill these beneficial insects that do not pollinate flowers and feed on plant pests.

If you decide to spray ticks in your garden, use a proven and, above all, safe preparation. Products intended for use both in the garden and closed rooms, e.g. gazebos, work well. Important! You may only stay in the place of spraying after the fog has fallen after spraying.

Preparation for ticks

– There is no perfect remedy against ticks – says Dr. Aleksandra Gliniewicz from the National Institute of Hygiene. – The most effective are repellants that prevent the tick from stabbing. 20 thousand. compounds and DEET was found to be the most effective. A concentration of 5% protects us for an hour and a half, 24% for five hours, he explains. When buying a tick repellent, it is worth reading the label about the protection time. Dr. Aleksandra Gliniewicz says that plant substances are also used. – They might seem like a safer alternative to synthetics, but in high concentrations it irritates the skin. Eugenol obtained from cloves is a mutagen, and citronellol has a negative effect on reproduction and the nervous system – he explains.

Tick ​​protection

Ticks don’t like synthetic fabrics. They definitely prefer cotton. Therefore, fleece or elastic tracksuits work well as better protection. Long sleeves, pants, boots covering the foot – they protect well against ticks. Some companies produce clothing impregnated with repellent substances – mainly permethrin. – When returning from an area with ticks, it is worth checking the skin carefully. Before 12 hours, we are not at risk of becoming infected – the later after this date, the greater the risk – said Prof. Stanisława Tylewska-Wierzbanowska from the National Institute of Hygiene. National epidemiology consultant, prof. Andrzej Zieliński explains that the best way to prevent tick-borne diseases is to scrub yourself in the shower with a soft brush. The shower itself is not enough, because there are hooks on the legs of the ticks, which they catch while walking on our skin.

Tick ​​removal

However, if the tick sticks to us, do not use methods such as buttering or burning. It’s best to grab it with a plastic tweezer and pull it out, do not wring it out! Rigid metal tweezers can cut through the ticks. A good method is also suctioning the tick with a special device available in pharmacies. It can also suck the sting of a wasp or a bee. However, vacuum devices should not be taken care of in small children and in men on the scrotum, because the skin is too delicate there. If the tick cannot be pulled out or part of it remains in the skin, see a doctor. We must observe the place where the tick attacked us, if there is erythema, consult a doctor.

Vaccine against ticks

The tick vaccine is administered to people who are particularly vulnerable to infection with a virus that can cause encephalitis or meningitis. The risk group includes people living in endemic areas or staying for a long time in forest areas, e.g. foresters, farmers. In addition, it is recommended that pregnant women receive the vaccine. Dosage:

  1. children 2-12 years: three doses of the vaccine 0,25 ml each
  2. adolescents over 12 years of age and adults: three doses of 0,5 ml of the vaccine

It is worth mentioning that the tick vaccine is inactivated. It is not effective against Lyme disease. The vaccine is recommended to be taken in winter or early autumn, because in these periods the risk of a tick bite is relatively low.

The tick vaccine, like any other vaccine, can cause complications. Pain at the injection site, somnolence and general weakness are the most common symptoms. Some also complain of muscle aches and severe dizziness. Other post-vaccination complications:


– vomiting,

– diarrhea,

Swelling and redness at the injection site

– at the injection site,

Pain in muscles and joints (flu-like symptoms)

– high temperature (above 38 degrees Celsius)

Collar for ticks

In an animal with a special collar for ticks, the insect usually falls off spontaneously after a few days. First of all, the tick does not want to suck blood, and this is how they transmit various diseases. Another advantage of the tick collar is that it lasts longer than drops. The collar put on the animal before the tick season means that the pet will be protected for a long time (from 4 to 8 months). When purchasing a special collar, its length should be taken into account. The bigger the dog or cat is, the longer the collar we will need. It is very important for your pet to feel comfortable.

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