They had the epidemic under control, now there are records of infections. What happened in the Czech Republic and Slovakia?
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The disturbing information comes not only from the Polish Ministry of Health, but also from our neighbors. A state of emergency was declared in the Czech Republic and Slovakia due to the spread of the coronavirus. Infection records have been recorded there in recent days. Until a few weeks ago, it seemed that the Czech Republic and Slovakia had the epidemic under control. What went wrong?

  1. The number of new cases of COVID-19 has increased sharply in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia
  2. Czech Republic now ranks second in Europe (after Spain) for the largest increase in new infections
  3. The governments of both countries took radical measures to limit the transmission of the virus – state of emergency in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
  4. For more up-to-date information on the coronavirus epidemic, visit the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in the Czech Republic

Since the beginning of the pandemic in the Czech Republic, infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been confirmed in over 70 people. people. Almost half of those infected recovered, 658 patients died.

As the Reuters agency calculates, a country with 10,7 million inhabitants recorded over 43 thousand. new infections and deaths increased by 50 percent. Thus, the Czech Republic came second, after Spain, in terms of the highest increase in new cases in Europe.

The ECDC map shows the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases per 100. residents during the last 14 days:

If we look at the graph showing the number of new daily cases, it is clear that coronavirus infections started arriving in late August. The greatest number of new cases was September 17 – 3 (data from

The Czech government, fearing that the number of new infections would exceed the capabilities of the health system, decided that a state of emergency would apply in the country from October 5. It was not decided to lockdown again, as at the beginning of the epidemic, for economic reasons. However, new restrictions will apply, concerning, inter alia, gatherings or musical events.

  1. Find out more: State of emergency in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. What restrictions will apply?

All of this is expected to reduce the reproductive rate of the virus – the government estimates it is now 1,2, and it was 1,6 the previous month. For an epidemic to be extinguished, the R index must drop below 1.

  1. The editorial board recommends: What is the R index in Poland at present? The ministry has released new data

During the first coronavirus wave in spring, the Czech Republic had the situation under control. Strict restrictions, such as the obligatory wearing of masks, were quickly implemented, which allowed the infection to be stopped.

The situation was so good that the Czech government decided to lift most of the bans before the holidays. However, it was necessary to quickly return to preventive measures – when at the end of August and at the beginning of September the number of cases started to increase dynamically, the obligation to wear mouth and nose guards in public transport was resumed. On September 10, restrictions were tightened – masks became mandatory also in most closed spaces, such as shops and restaurants.

Why did the number of infected suddenly begin to rise? In the Czech Republic, the same thing happened as in other European countries. People returned from vacation trips, students returned to school, and life began to move at a “normal” pace again. All this made the virus circulate in society again, and the effects were not long in coming.

Coronavirus in Slovakia

In Slovakia, events were similar to those in the Czech Republic. The first wave of infections took place in March and April. The country went through this period unscathed – infections were much less than in neighboring countries. Slovakia also had one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in Europe.

There were very few new cases in May, June and July. It was not until the end of August that the situation began to raise concern. The record of infections was set on October 1 – the Prime Minister of Slovakia informed about 797 new infections with SARS-CoV-2.

“The situation is extremely serious and it’s high time to grit your teeth and help our common cause,” said Igor Matovic, quoted by Reuters.

Slovakia, with a population of 5,5 million, decided to introduce a state of emergency for 45 days. Most cultural and sports events were banned. The rulers called on citizens to wear face masks and limit family and social gatherings.

19 cases have been diagnosed in the country since the start of the COVID-10 pandemic. 938 people died.

This may interest you:

  1. The virologist explains where the record came from and what the prognosis is
  2. In Sweden, after the epidemic? “The virus is gone, the country will avoid the second wave”
  3. Why is the virus deadly for some and not for others?

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