They had contact with the water from the Odra River. “Hell skin, itchy”

It is still unknown what led to the mass deaths of fish and other animals in the Oder. No matter what the substance is, contact with water can also be dangerous for people. The evidence is provided by patients who visit medical facilities in the western part of the country. Dr.Eryk Matuszkiewicz explains that the most common symptoms are burning and itching of the skin.They said it was after contact with this water – explains the internist who saw patients during his Friday duty at the hospital in Poznań.

  1. During Friday’s shift, Dr. Matuszkiewicz received a dozen or so phone calls from anxious patients
  2. – Reported mainly with symptoms of skin irritation. They said it was after contact with this water (from the Oder – ed.). The skin was itchy, it was itchy and there was erythema – says the doctor
  3. Research into the causes of river contamination is still ongoing. The information on the presence of mercury compounds in the Oder has not been confirmed
  4. However, as Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, an immunologist, said, “regardless of the chemical contamination, with such physicochemical parameters, rotting fauna and high air temperature, the water in the Oder becomes a biological bomb”
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Substance unknown, but the patients are there

On Friday, we reported that German researchers detected mercury compounds in the Oder. Reports of possible high concentrations of this metal have been very disturbing as mercury is extremely toxic. However, subsequent studies did not confirm the presence of this substance in the river. According to the spokesman of the Ministry of the Environment of Brandenburg, Sebastian Arnold, it is currently impossible to identify a single cause of the environmental disaster in the Oder river. However, there is still a high salt load and a high oxygen content in the water.

Regardless of what substance or substances contaminated the river, people who have been in contact with the water report that they feel the consequences. As reported by Radio ZET, patients who experienced skin irritation after such contact have already started reporting to medical facilities in the western part of Poland.

The rest of the text below the video.

Dr. Matuszkiewicz, who was on duty at the Poznań hospital on Friday, confirms that the patients are concerned. – They reported mainly symptoms of skin irritation. They said it was after contact with this water (from the Odra River – ed.). The skin was itchy, it was itchy and there was erythema – he explained, adding that during the shift he had received several phone calls asking if these symptoms were serious and if a visit to the doctor was necessary. The internist and toxicologist assured that the symptoms were not serious.

Interestingly, this information was denied by the Lubuskie Voivode. – There are false information, I do not know for what purpose it is disseminated that people who have been burned or have any problems after contact with the Oder or with these fish come to hospitals in Lubuskie Province. We are monitoring this situation. Every day sanepid is in contact with all hospitals in Lubuskie, I am in contact with the National Health Fund. There has not been such a case so far that anyone reported any ailment caused by a stay on the Odra River or contact with these fish – he assured.

Earlier, the health effects of the contamination of the Oder were referred to, among others, by Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, immunologist and pediatrician. The expert explains that not only the presence of toxic substances in the river should be of concern to us. «Regardless of chemical contamination with such physico-chemical parameters, rotting fauna and high air temperature the water in the Odra River becomes a biological bombthat endangers humans and animals. Infections transmitted by this route may pose a serious threat »- he pointed out.

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