They got vaccinated against COVID-19 and fell ill. The story of Joanna and her family
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Joanna and her husband are still experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. They both fell ill despite being fully vaccinated. First, however, their two sons became infected – both too young to receive the vaccine. As a result, the entire family was infected with the coronavirus. How did it look like? Has the disease shaken their faith in vaccines? Joanna told Medonet about all this.

  1. Joanna and her husband are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. They took the second doses a few months ago. The married couple has two sons, both of them are too young to be vaccinated
  2. The younger son became ill first with COVID-19, then the older son joined him. Joanna and her husband also fell ill
  3. Each of the children and spouses underwent the infection differently. What symptoms they were experiencing, Joanna told Medonet
  4. Despite the fact that they got vaccinated and fell ill, the spouses did not lose faith in vaccinations. I knew that vaccines did not provide complete protection, but thanks to them you can live a more peaceful and safer life Joanna says
  5. You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.

«I was convinced that the test would be negative again. I was wrong”

The younger son became ill first with COVID-19, then the older son joined him. The boys had probably brought the virus from school. In our opinion, this is the most viable option. Two to three days after they both found out they both had the coronavirus, my husband and I did a pathogen test. The result was negative. We were happy – for us it was proof that the vaccines worked.

Unfortunately, a few days later we started showing symptoms of a cold. I had a runny nose, my throat was starting to scratch. I ignored it, however, assuming it was “accidental”, especially since I have sinus problems. My husband developed a fever. When she didn’t pass, we got worried. In addition, we were afraid that we might unknowingly infect someone. We had very limited contact with people back then, but not entirely zero, so we felt bad about the risk. So the husband said that he was going to do a second test. I was convinced that the result would be negative again. I was wrong. He had the coronavirus. Now a red light came on for me.

At the same time, my younger son was finishing his quarantine and I arranged a teleportation appointment, so there was an opportunity to ask about our situation. I told the doctor my husband was tested for coronavirus and I had a sinus problem. She explained to me that the first symptoms were often related to the swelling of the mucosa and advised me to get tested. For confidence and your own peace of mind. I did it. The result was positive.

COVID-19 after vaccination. “I felt better than the first day after the second dose”

If I hadn’t done the test, I’d be absolutely convinced that I have sinusitis. For me, COVID-19 resembled them to the illusion. First there was a scratchy throat and runny nose, then I started to get sinus problems – my head and eyes hurt. I didn’t have a fever, but I was weakened, and after exercise, I often felt dizzy. However, I can say that I felt better than the first day after the second dose (I chose Moderna). My head hurt a lot, I had a fever. However, I was prepared for it.

The husband went through the disease differently. He was alerted by a fever (not high, within the range of 37,5-38 degrees Celsius), which persisted, and he became weak. As for how he felt after the vaccination, he had similar symptoms to me, only after the first dose (he took AstraZeneca).

The boys were not vaccinated (they are still too young), so they experienced the disease differently than we did. The younger one had a slight nausea, fever within 39 degrees Celsius, and his head ached severely. There was no cough or runny nose. These symptoms lasted for about two days. After that, he started to recover and actually felt pretty good. He’s still a little pale, but otherwise it doesn’t show that he was ill.

The older son had a completely different infection. The temperature was around 37,5 degrees, he also had a severe headache and a sore throat. These symptoms continued to appear throughout the entire quarantine period. So we decided to leave him at home longer (quarantine ends after three days without symptoms).

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“I was aware that people who received the vaccine were ill”

My husband works at the university, so he vaccinated when the teachers. He received the second dose around May, and he has already been referred for a booster dose. I got vaccinated a bit later – I had the second dose in June. Neither of us had had COVID-19 before.

How do I get sick after vaccination? It was known from the beginning that vaccines did not give 100 percent. effectiveness that it is within 95%. and declines over time. So there was a chance that we would be in a group that would get sick. Moreover, it is getting bigger and bigger with time. Of course, I was angry that we got sick, that the first tests were negative. We were worried about how the children would bear the disease, if there would be complications.

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On the other hand, boys go to school, so there is a probability of getting sick – we know that. Especially since recently children were learning remotely for a while, because several teachers had COVID-19. We knew about some of them that they were definitely vaccinated. So I was aware that people who took the vaccine get sick, that it just happens. I also knew that if this happened, we would probably make it light.

  1. How do the vaccinated get sick? «I felt like someone was tearing my skin off»

“We both want to take the third dose and get the children vaccinated”

It’s not that after we got sick, we lost faith in vaccinations. I knew that vaccines do not provide complete protection, but thanks to them you can live in a more peaceful and safer way, but you can also afford more (even travel).

  1. A doctor explains why vaccinated people get sick and die from COVID-19

We both want the third dose. During the teleportation we asked how best to do it in our situation. Doctors advised to wait about three months after the disease, they explained to us, then there are still antibodies after the disease, so it is not worth getting vaccinated too early.

We also plan to vaccinate children against COVID-19 when possible.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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