The story of the triplets Bob, David and Eddy shows the cruelty of psychological research and experiments on humans in the 60s. Although the situation seems irrational and bestial, it really happened. What was the cruel experiment of separating the brothers, and what was it for?
- Bob (Robert), David and Edward were born on July 12, 1961. Six months later, the brothers were separated into three families of different social status. They lived 160 km away, not knowing about themselves
- The experiment was to determine what really influences people’s attitudes and behavior: upbringing or genes. Over the years, scientists have recorded the behavior, tendencies, and interests of the boys, compared their drawings and progress in development
- It took 19 years. When the boys left for college, coincidence brought them together. Initially, their relationship was good. When they found out the truth about the cruel experiment, everything started to go wrong
- It turned out that everyone struggled with mental problems, including depression. How were Bob, David and Eddy?
- You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.
The turn of the 50s and 60s was a period when scientists, regardless of human welfare, decided to carry out various experiments. There was one goal: the development of science. One of the most famous psychological experiences was the separation of triplets, three boys. At only six months of age, the children were “sent” to three completely different families.
They lived 160 km apart, having no idea of their existence. It took 19 years
Robert Shafran, David Kellman and Edward Galland were born on July 12, 1961. Their mother was a teenage girl. As it turns out, four boys were born – one of them died during childbirth.
The brothers were separated through the adoption agency Louise Wise Services, with which the people involved in the experiment worked with. The children were placed in three completely different houses. David grew up in the poorest working-class family. Eddy belonged to the middle class. Bobby grew up in the best financial environment.
Psychologists wanted to find an answer to the question of what really influences people’s attitudes and behavior – the upbringing they received at home, or maybe their genes? Victims of the experiment, the brothers were regularly visited by the well-known and respected child psychologist Dr. Peter Neubauer. The researchers recorded the boys’ behaviors, tendencies and interests, compared their drawings and development progress.
The brothers lived about 160 km apart, having no idea of their existence. The breakthrough came when they went to college at the age of 19. Fate wished that one day there was an accidental discovery. Bobby decided to start his studies at Sullivan Country Community College, where he was received with special cordiality. People with whom he had nothing to do with greeted him affectionately, patting his shoulder and hugging him in greeting. It turned out that Bobby was mistaken for Edward, who had previously dropped out of college. The brothers met when the story became known to the media. Then David decided to contact guys confusingly similar to him.
All three struggled with mental health problems
Separated triplets were connected not only by appearance. During the experiment, psychologists observed that they shared many features. The brothers spoke in the same way, they laughed the same, had the same sports interests and abilities, and even started having sex at about the same time. The IQ tests also showed the same score of 148.
However, there were more similarities. All three struggled with mental problems. Each of the brothers struggled with depressive states, they had problems with finding a place for themselves in the world. Before starting their studies, Edward and David were treated in psychiatric institutions, while Robert had problems with the law (participation in the robbery and murder of a woman). As they later unanimously stated, all the problems and difficult behaviors they presented were unconscious symptoms of separation anxiety that had plagued them from early childhood.
The sad consequences of a cruel experiment
Robert, David and Edward decided to live together in New York. There they founded a restaurant called Triplets. The men tried to make up for lost years, glad that they had finally found each other.
At the very beginning, the only justification for the cruel separation they considered was that one family, for financial reasons, was unable to adopt all three. When they learned the truth about the cruel experiment, their relationship began to deteriorate. Robert decided to quit running the restaurant together. Edward committed suicide in 1995.
The fates of the other brothers weren’t all roses. David and Robert were unable to lead a harmonious family life – they broke up with their wives, abandoning their children and previous obligations.
Separation of triplets – the brothers’ life tragedy – an inspiration to make a film
Publicizing the dramatic situation related to the separation of triplets for the benefit of a psychological experiment inspired the documentary “Three Identical Strangers” (Polish title is “Close Strangers”), made by Tim Wardle. It represents the cruelty faced by the brothers who were separated at birth.
The experiment did a lot of harm to the boys, and their mental health suffered the most. The consequence of emotional problems was Edward’s suicide and the separation of the other two.
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