They even cheat us on eggs! – Dietetics – Articles |

More and more often it is said that producers cheat us at every step. The cases of hams which are not hams and veal sausages with no veal are already well known. It turns out, however, that we are also cheated on eggs!

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Watch out for the crooks

Unfortunately, we live in the times of which they all want to earn and sometimes do so at the expense of consumers. Yes too happens with eggs. The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection checked in 2013, as many as 551 batches of eggs were sold in stores and at marketplaces. As it turned out? That as much as 30% do not meet the standards!

What was the greatest sin?

First of all, hiding from consumer of the rearing method by masking the real method (which in incl case was cage rearing) with beautiful terms such as: “fresh rural eggs “,” eggs from happy hens “, or” multigrain eggs “. Most of this type irregularities could be observed at marketplaces.

Worse, the marketplaces that most are associated with safety and the sale of free eggs only of the catwalk, there were many strange combinations, for example, in buying by sellers of caged eggs, to then remove the and marks from them sell as pastured or organic eggs.

Another form of fraud was administration incorrect weight class, e.g. on the packages it was stated that it XL eggs, while it turned out that the eggs contained in the package were smaller and corresponded to class L or even M.

How not to be deceived?

Above all, remember to read the markings on the eggs and packages. 

Eggs should contain the following information:

  • rearing method (0- organic, 1-free range, 2-bedding, 3-frame)
  • country code (Poland is marked with as PL)
  • veterinary identification number (production plant code)

Additionally, the packaging should contain information about:

  • freshness of eggs (i.e. class A)
  • egg weight (e.g. M, L)
  • date of minimum durability

Information about eggs sold loose (e.g. in marketplaces) should appear in place sales.

In the case of eggs sold directly by the host or producer, who they have less than 50 hens, the information should be in place sale and contain information only about the name and address as well as the name and the host’s name. However, there is no information required on the shells.

Most of them are cage eggs

Remember about 90% of eggs eggs available on our market are conventional eggs, so check markings on the eggs if you want to be sure that you are selecting the ones from the free catwalk or ecological. Also remember that organic eggs must have certificate and proper description, ie “organic food”, “from the farm ecological “,” bio “,” eco “,” ecological “and the EU logo, i.e. eco-leaf, as well as the number of the certification body. Expressions such as, for example, “z ecologically clean regions ”or, in the case of eggs,“ GMO-free ”no indicate at all that the product is ecological.

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