Freeganism is one of the popular ways to live in the spirit of zero waste, also in Poland. It involves eating foods that are no longer fresh and have been thrown away. Is freeganism safe? Monika Nowicka, a clinical dietitian at Be Diet Catering, translates for MedTvoiLokony.
- According to the data presented by the Institute of Environmental Protection, in Poland nearly 153 kg of food is thrown into the bin every second
- The data of the Polish Economic Institute show that there is 247 kg of wasted products per person per year, which is 40 percent. more than the European Union average.
- The solution to this problem may be, among others freeganism and eating products that are still edible. Because what is past due does not always hurt
- More information can be found on the Onet homepage.
Agnieszka Mazur-Puchała, Medonet: How is it with this use-by date? When it is over, the food is actually only good for the garbage can?
Monika Nowicka, clinical dietitian Be Diet Catering: Whether a food is fit to eat past its use-by date depends on the product. There are two types of shelf life information on the packaging. The message “Use by” is the term most often used on the packaging of dairy products and meat. It sets a date beyond which products cannot be consumed without the risk of food poisoning. On the other hand, the information “Best before” means that if we store a given product properly, it will retain its properties until the day indicated on the packaging. This does not mean, however, that we cannot eat it after this date. It is still edible for a while, and it is an unreasonable waste of food to throw away such products immediately after the expiry date.
Which products can be eaten after the deadline without fear? How long?
The best example of products that store well and are safe to eat after the expiry date are cereal products. Of course, we are talking not about bread, but products such as flours, groats, rice and pasta. Especially the last two products have a long shelf life. Even a year from the date indicated on the packaging. However, it is worth remembering that this rule only works if properly stored.
The same applies to the storage of legume seeds, i.e. beans, chickpeas, lentils or peas. In a dry place without access to light, they can serve us for years.
Other products that we do not need to be particularly afraid of are coffee, tea and sweets. Those containing chocolate may have a white coating. It is the fat that precipitates on the surface, i.e. the basic ingredient of chocolate. Such a product does not attract us with its appearance, because we are used to the beautiful and appetizing color of chocolate, but there is no reason to throw it away. Especially if we care about the environment.
- Read also: What foods can you eat after the expiration date?
Spices are also quite durable products. Salt and sugar not only do not spoil by themselves, but also extend the usefulness of other products in which they are ingredients. They are considered natural preservatives.
Honey, on the other hand, is the only product that never spoils – it has an unlimited shelf life. Legal regulations mean that the jar contains information about three years of shelf life. However, we can confidently use it after this date.
Hard cheeses, such as Parmesan and cheddar, are less durable, but still fit for consumption after the expiry date. Here, the shelf life is shortened to a few days after the indicated date.
Freeganism is gaining popularity in Poland, which is very good news for the environment. However, not everyone is convinced of this idea, because they are afraid that they may poison themselves by eating “from the garbage can”. It can actually be so?
Unfortunately, in Poland the scale of food waste is very large, as even 9 million tons of food are thrown away in our country each year. Therefore, I am very pleased that we as a society are becoming more and more aware of our ecological responsibility and are looking for solutions that will help us take care of the environment. And freeganism is just one of the many ways to do this.
Freegans follow certain rules that help them minimize the risk of food poisoning. Including do not pick up perishable food. However, the risk of negative health effects cannot be completely excluded. Therefore, we should remember that unstable products that are even for a moment in inappropriate conditions may lose their suitability for consumption and cause poisoning. They also come into contact with impurities that are difficult to remove. The containers contain not only food products. You have to be very careful to avoid negative consequences.
In addition, from the point of view of a clinical dietitian, I would like to emphasize that based on such products, we have little control over what and when we eat. In the long run, this can be detrimental to our body and lead to nutritional deficiencies.
Clinical dietitian at Be Diet Catering. He specializes in a diet that nourishes the female body, as well as in the nutrition of people with carbohydrate disorders, patients with type I and II diabetes or suffering from insulin resistance. Nutrition for children and adolescents is her great passion. A graduate of master’s studies in the field of Dietetics at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań and numerous courses in the field of, among others, diet therapy in insulin resistance, autoimmune diseases, food intolerance, diabetes, celiac disease, or nutrition during pregnancy.
What kind of food should we definitely not eat after the due date?
We must be especially careful about several groups of products that are very dangerous to our health. These are primarily products that are partially eaten with signs of deterioration, products contaminated with chemicals, as well as products next to spoiled ones. Also, due to the high risk of spoilage, meat and fish, as well as dairy products, i.e. yoghurts, cheese, kefir, carry with them.
It is also worth paying attention to the fact that, especially in the summer season, food outside refrigerators can pose a health risk. Experienced Freegans measure the temperatures of these products before taking them home.
Even if the product does not raise any doubts at first glance, each food must be very carefully examined and assessed before consumption. If there is any doubt about its quality, it must not be eaten.
Among Polish freegans there are also mothers with young children. Is this a safe solution for kids? How not to harm them, and at the same time live in the spirit of zero waste?
I would like to point out that young children are more prone to food poisoning and its serious consequences, so I do not recommend giving products of uncertain quality to children. They should only receive products of certain origin. We risk too much by giving the child a vegetable or fruit and wondering if it has not been contaminated with, for example, some chemicals. Unfortunately, washing or even peeling the product may not protect us against the effects of such agents.
- Also learn: How to keep eggs in the refrigerator?
It is also worth remembering that freeganism is not only about “collecting food from the garbage cans”. It’s a lifestyle based on fighting consumerism – avoiding over-buying products and things, and using only what we really need. For people who are rightly concerned about the risks associated with gathering food, I recommend that you take patterns of behavior from freegans, i.e. buy food sensibly and minimize throwing it away.
A great idea to take care of the environment and eliminate the need to throw away food is to use dietary catering. Only the amount of food we need for a given day comes to our door. We have a guarantee of freshness. The only downside so far was disposable packaging, but at the moment catering can reach us in completely biodegradable and environmentally friendly packaging.
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If we cannot afford catering, a structured diet will be a great tool to buy only the necessary amount of food that we eat. It is worth taking advantage of the experience of a proven clinical dietitian who will arrange the diet so that even a gram of the product does not end up in the trash.
Also read:
- Can a child be told that he is fat? Explains the nutritionist
- How to store food in the refrigerator? Check if you are doing it right
- Conscious eating, or what you don’t know about your diet
- Veganism – rules, safety, substitutes [EXPLAINED]