They discovered the amazing properties of vitamin B6. Scientists speak of a new hope for the sick

Scientists from the UK have investigated whether vitamins B6 and B12 can influence the level of anxiety and depression. Their findings are a chance to improve the health of many people suffering from anxiety disorders. One of these vitamins in particular helps to inhibit impulses in the brain and reduce excessive nervous excitement.

  1. Study participants with anxiety and depression took high doses of vitamins B6 and B12 for a month
  2. The results of the study indicate that B vitamins may be helpful in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression
  3. Researchers estimate that it is a promising alternative to preparations that can cause side effects and a solution for people who have not yet taken therapy with anti-anxiety drugs.
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Vitamins B6 and B12 are present in foods such as chickpeas and tuna, but a team of researchers at Reading University in the UK tested vitamin supplementation at a much higher level than the one found in the food.

478 study participants who reported anxiety or depression took high doses of vitamins for about a month. They were randomly selected to take vitamin B6, vitamin B12, or a placebo. B6 tablets contained 100 mg of B6, B12 tablets contained 1000 µg (micrograms) of B12. This far exceeded the recommended daily intake, which is 1,7 mg for B6 and 2,4 µg for B12 according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Participants taking vitamin B6 noticed a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms. According to the researchers, this is related to the improvement in the functioning of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a neurotransmitter responsible for calming down and relaxing.

How does vitamin B6 work? Interesting conclusions of scientists

Scientists wanted to find out to what extent vitamins B6 and B12 might affect gamma-aminobutyric acid. “The functioning of the brain is based on a delicate balance between excitatory neurons that carry information and inhibitory neurons” says prof. David Field, lead author of the study. An abnormal balance of inhibition and arousal (nervous overstimulation) in the brain has been linked to anxiety, depression, autism, and schizophrenia.

The researchers noticed an improvement in the condition of patients taking vitamin B6 in the study, which was confirmed by tests (SCARED and MFQ) being tools for analyzing anxiety disorders and mood levels. «Vitamin B6 helps the body make a specific chemical messenger that inhibits impulses in the brainand our study combines this calming effect with reduced anxiety among participants » says prof. Field.

The vitamin B12 group reported a slight improvement in anxiety and depression symptoms, and the researchers did not consider this a significant change. They noticed that perhaps “the monthly supplementation period was insufficient in this case”.

  1. At Medonet Market you can buy MgB6 Shock Shot – a preparation which is a source of magnesium and vitamin B6

“New opportunities” for people with anxiety disorders

The discovery could make it easier to fight anxiety disorders because Vitamin B6 supplements are readily available and are over the counter. “It can be a breath of fresh air for people with anxiety disorders who have not been able to use new treatments for a long time” said psychiatrist Dr. Tom MacLaren. “Vitamin B6 is available and many people take it on a regular basis, so it might just be an enhancement to the treatment they are already taking” added.

Doctors also point out that some anti-anxiety medications can cause side effects such as sedation, balance disorders, memory loss, or dependence on them. Vitamins do not carry this risk.

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