“They did not retreat a step”: Vladimir Putin said that Russia withstood the pandemic

They did not retreat a step: Vladimir Putin said that Russia withstood the pandemic

The President of Russia said that the country was able to defeat the coronavirus due to the fact that its residents were merciful and helped each other.

They did not retreat a step: Vladimir Putin said that Russia withstood the pandemic

On June 8, it became known that, starting from the 9th, Moscow will gradually come out of quarantine. This will happen in several stages: for example, tomorrow you can go outside without a pass, run into a beauty salon or take your pet to the veterinarian. After another week, dine on the veranda of the restaurant. And from June 23rd – start training again in the fitness center.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said a commitment to compassion, mutual assistance and mercy has helped Russians to withstand the test of the coronavirus.

Putin spoke about this during a meeting with social workers of state institutions and NGOs on the occasion of the Day of Social Worker, which was held via video link.

“We have passed and are still going through severe trials and have withstood them, because we have not deviated a step from the enduring moral norms: compassion, mutual assistance, mercy,” Putin said and noted that these values ​​were formed by the history of Russia.

“They are shared by the overwhelming, absolute majority of the citizens of our country,” the head of state emphasized.

Putin also noted that with the arrival of the coronavirus epidemic, many social workers have shown their best qualities. “Maybe not everything works out, but I’m sure most of you did your best. Low bow to you, your colleagues for courage, for civic heroism, for your active participation in protecting our citizens from the coronavirus, ”Putin addressed social workers.

Note that according to the latest data, 476 658 cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded in Russia.

All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum

Photo Shoot: Legion-Media.ru

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