They could – and you can: 12 pets before and after losing weight

Animals get fat just like us: quickly and for a long time. But it is much more difficult for them to dump what they have typed than for people.

Extra pounds don’t make anyone happier. People are complex, animals suffer. Both those and others fall into the risk group for a variety of diseases: from diabetes mellitus to problems with joints and heart. Moreover, it is perhaps even harder for pets. After all, they cannot control their diet, unlike humans. In addition, they cannot lose weight quickly – this can result in serious liver problems, and then the animal will have to be treated longer than it was on a diet.

But there are no less successful weight loss stories among pets than among people. After all, the main thing here is to set a goal and be patient.

For example, a cat named Bronson has been losing weight for over two years. It got to its current owners after its first owner died. Bronson then weighed a monstrous 15 kilograms, which is too much for an ordinary cat. He could neither walk properly – he only got up to eat and go to the tray – nor play, even wash his face was a problem, so he was washed in the shower. Too weak paws were not able to hold such a carcass.

Now Bronson weighs 9 kilos, vigorous, cheerful and healthy. And he is also famous – a quarter of a million followers on Instagram follow the story of his weight loss.  

With the cat they intensively engaged in physical education: they played, motivated to move more and walk up the stairs; fed with special food and by the hour. Bronson weighed himself every month – and when it became clear that he had lost a little more weight, it was happiness. This is how, in a little bit, 250 grams per month, Bronson achieved such amazing results. And just look at his paws!

And now, by the way, Bronson is engaged in attaching other cats, which the owners have brought to obesity, in good hands – and instructs them on the path of losing weight.

And this is not the only great example of the fact that if you want, you can literally lose weight by half and be one hundred percent ready for the beach season. Even the expression of their faces changes in these animals – just look!

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