They completely fought off the paws! See What Pets Are Doing While You Are Away

They completely fought off the paws! See What Pets Are Doing While You Are Away

Maybe they are not sleeping on the bed at all, but preparing a plan for a world coup?

One way or another, sometimes animals behave very strangely even with their own owners. At these moments, it is very important that a camera is at hand, otherwise how can then prove to others that Bobik is not at all who he claims to be.

Pinky and Brain

Who remembers this cartoon? The mice wanted to change the world. These dogs also had big plans, but then the owners returned from work and something went wrong.


This athlete tries to keep himself in shape. He is probably preparing for a serious competition. Usually the cat trains when the owners are not at home, but this time he was caught red-handed.

Breaking stereotypes

No need to say later that only cats are able to climb trees. How can we even reason about who and what exactly is capable of looking at this photo?


If you consider yourself an ace in this discipline, then you are clearly mistaken. There was one who surpassed everyone. It is difficult to say how long the dog has been training. Or is it just broken?


When it’s hot outside, you just want to freshen up. However, this cat has coped not only with this task. He managed to scare the hell out of his masters, who are already calling the exorcists.

Studying another reality

Can you sit and lie at the same time? This dog managed to “break” the composition of the picture. If you flip the picture several times, it will open from the new side.


Agree, it is difficult to resist raising your eyebrows in bewilderment at the sight of such a sight. This dog knows a lot about not only good stretching, but also unusual taste preferences. Although bears suck their paws in dens, than dogs are worse.

Level 80 Player

Animals also play hide and seek. This dog is a connoisseur of the best places where no one will find it. In the photo, she could easily fit into the interior.


Kitty is tired, kitty wants to sleep. If the couch is no longer interesting, and the couch is disgusting, you need to try something creative. In this case, the law of attraction refuses to work.

Poser on a level 80 player

The cat wanted to repeat the same pose of the best hide and seek player, but failed miserably. And how can you cope here if you haven’t even trained? Now all that remains is to wait for the help of the owner, who will pull him out of the awkward situation.

Resting dog

Another dog who decided to conquer the trees, but did it wisely. Why does he need poplar or birch? There are more exotic options in hotter places, where you can cool off and sunbathe nearby.

The dog that was not lost

Judging by the face of this imperturbable dog, he cannot understand at all why the owners decided to search for him. Just think, I went to Bobik’s appointment, what now, to paste up the missing announcements?

Overcoming difficulties

This cat is clearly not looking for easy ways. And why? They say that difficulties only temper us in battle. This is the case.


They say that for some, the glass is half empty, but for others it is half full. This dog is completely desperate, the door is closed, there is no way. However, the possibilities are very close, it remains only to look around.

Help dog

Either the dog is moonlighting as a loader, or he simply could not get out of a difficult situation. Although, judging by his face, the chair does not cause problems at all.

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