Nearly 1,5 thousand cases in over 30 countries around the world, including Poland – monkey pox is increasing its range and is causing more and more concern. Experts reassure that there is still no reason to panic and the COVID-19 scenario is unlikely to repeat itself. However, there are people who should be especially careful as they can become very seriously ill with monkey pox. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists four risk groups for severe infection with the monkey pox virus.

  1. On June 10, Health Minister Adam Niedzielski confirmed the first case of monkey pox infection in Poland
  2. Monkey pox is an infectious viral disease that so far has mainly been found in central and western Africa
  3. The most recently detected cases are West African monkey pox, which is mild and has a low mortality rate.
  4. However, some people are at risk of developing the severe form of monkey pox and can even be fatal in their case. The WHO informs about who is in the risk group on its website
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage

Monkey pox – risk groups

According to WHO, the disease of monkey pox nPeople who have direct physical contact with patients who develop symptoms of infection are most at risk (unlike coronavirus infection, which is also contagious before the onset of symptoms and even in the absence of symptoms).

People who have been vaccinated against smallpox may feel saferalthough the level of this protection years after injection is a big unknown. This, however, applies to middle-aged and mature people, as these vaccinations were discontinued at the turn of the 70s and 80s, when the disease was eradicated (eradicated). Younger people, especially those born in the 80s and later, do not have such protection and are more likely to contract the monkey pox virus. This would be confirmed by the statistics that the majority of cases currently concern young people.

Regarding the risk of severe monkey pox, The World Health Organization lists four groups that are most vulnerable to this form of infection. To:

  1. newborns,
  2. children,
  3. people with reduced immunity,
  4. health care workers (due to more frequent and longer exposure to viruses).

«There are two clades of viruses in Africa: in Central Africa, the so-called Congo – which causes more severe symptoms and the second in West Africa which causes milder symptoms. It is this Congolese clade that can cause serious depression, even death. It is estimated that up to 10 percent. cases can be fatal and are primarily children. They are the most likely to suffer from the severe course of the disease»- explained in an interview with prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska, virologist and immunologist at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.

The expert noted that medics can be calmer because they have effective protection. “All you need is distance, wearing gowns, gloves and face masks when talking to a patient,” she said, adding that the symptoms of monkey pox are easy to spot, so it should be easier to apply extra precautions in high-risk situations.

The rest of the text below the video

How can you catch monkey pox?

Infection with the monkey pox virus occurs through physical contact with a symptomatic person. Rash (both blisters and crusts) and body fluids (especially fluid, pus, or blood from skin lesions), including saliva, are particularly contagious. The virus can also be infected through contact with the clothes and bedding of the sick person, towels, and items such as cutlery and dishes.

Check if your body can cope with the pathogens. Perform an immunity blood test package available from Medonet Market.

A newborn can catch monkey pox during or shortly after birth through skin-to-skin contact with an infected parent. It is also possible to infect the fetus through the placenta if the mother becomes ill with monkey pox during pregnancy.

Recently, the media circulated reports that monkey pox is transmitted primarily by homosexuals. Experts, however, firmly deny these rumors. The virus can actually be spread through sexual contact, but sexual orientation is irrelevant. It is also uncertain whether transmission of the pathogen is via semen or vaginal discharge. According to WHO, the virus is more likely to spread through skin contact or with the partner’s salivaespecially if the symptoms of monkey pox are already developing on the body (including the mouth).

Monkey pox – range of occurrence

According to the data available on May 26, cases of monkey pox were identified in 19 countries (15 European). In total, 269 cases were diagnosed, 74 people were suspected to be infected, and six patients were very likely to be infected.

For a list of countries where cases of monkey pox have been identified, click HERE:

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