They are brilliant among us

In the 2013/1014 school year, the first edition of the GENialna school competition, organized by the Foundation for Help for Families and Cystic Fibrosis MATIO as part of the National Cystic Fibrosis Week social campaign, began. The action was taken under the Honorary Patronage of the Minister of National Education.

May 6 at At 13.00 p.m. in the building of the Ministry of National Education, the ceremony of awarding prizes and awarding the titles of “Genius school” to educational institutions that take special care of children suffering from rare diseases, including cystic fibrosis, with the participation of the Ombudsman for Children, Mr. Marek Michalak and the Secretary of State p Tadeusz Sławecki. Rare diseases (RD) are serious chronic and severe diseases, most often genetically determined. Although so far 5 to 8 different disease entities have been diagnosed under the definition of rare and very rare diseases, knowledge about them is still negligible. Cystic fibrosis also belongs to this group. Due to its diverse course, causing dysfunction of various organs of the body is a disease that is difficult to understand not only by the parents of a sick child, but most of all by the people around them. Problems usually begin when a child starts pre-school and school education. This requires the parents of the child to provide the most complete information about the disease to the Teaching Staff, often also to the parents of healthy peers. In the case of cystic fibrosis, a sick child may be afraid of a constant, deep cough. It’s not a virus, it’s the lungs struggle to breathe, the need to tear off their mucus, which reduces their efficiency. This type of information is necessary, although not always well perceived, so it is even more important to distinguish schools and kindergartens where teachers care for the well-being of a sick child, accept it, do not try to free themselves from it, but are able to teach their healthy peers responsibility, help, empathy .

– Chronically ill children do not have to study in separate schools and be isolated from their peers. Understanding their disease and needs makes them feel safe and, above all, equal to their healthy peers – says Paweł Wójtowicz, President of the MATIO Foundation – Understanding does not require great effort, and the benefits of contacts with peers and free access to education are enormous. They also have a significant impact on the effects of treatment, health, future life, building a strong psyche in the child and the will to fight the disease.

The following awards and distinctions were awarded in the GENialna school competition:

I place – Primary School Kunegunda Pawłowska in Trąbki Wielkie

ul. Sportowa 19, 83-034 Great trumpets, voiv. Pomeranian

second place – Special School and Educational Center in Ropczyce

ul. Fr. card. Stefana Wyszyńskiego 14, 39-100 Ropczyce, voiv. Podkarpackie Province

third place – Public Kindergarten No. 2 with Integration Departments

them. Th. Janczarski in Kluczbork

ul. Norwida 19, 46-203 kluczbork Poland voivodeship

Jury Special Mention:

Primary School Frederic Chopin, ul. A. Wiesiołowska1, Strzyżew, 63-405 Sieroszewice, voiv. Greater Poland

Equal distinctions were awarded to:

– Self-government kindergarten in Zielonki, ul. Fr. Jana Michalika 2, 32-087 Zielonki, voiv. Lesser Poland

– Primary School No. 171 for them. Stanisława Staszic, ul. Armii Krajowej 39, 05-075 Warsaw – Wesoła

– Primary School No. 3 for them. Nicholas Copernicus in Lipno, ul. R. Traugutt 2, 87-600 Lipno, voiv. Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship

During the year of studying at school, my child has changed, he is happy and full of energy. He strives for as much independence as possible. The disease is progressive, but as if it has stopped. I am most grateful, above all, for the heart shown to my child.

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