They accused him of being drunk. Waszczykowski replies: it is a serious disease

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Witold Waszczykowski was the morning guest of TOK FM radio. After the broadcast, the network boiled. The audience was convinced that the politician appeared in the studio under the influence of alcohol. Waszczykowski decided to comment on the situation. He admitted on his Twitter account that he suffers from polyneuropathy. What is this?

  1. The behavior of the PiS MP on the air aroused suspicions of Internet users. They believed that he might have been under the influence of alcohol
  2. Witold Waszczykowski decided to deny these rumors, claiming that he suffers from a serious disease – polyneuropathy
  3. This ailment may appear at any age. Its main symptoms include numbness, tingling and pain in the extremities
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Waszczykowski under the influence of alcohol? The MP says it’s polyneuropathy

During the morning conversation on the radio TOK FM, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Witold Waszczykowski behaved, as Internet users comment, quite peculiarly. In their opinion, the politician may have been under the influence of alcohol.

The former minister decided to address these allegations. As he explained on Twitter, listeners may have had the wrong impression about his condition due to a disease – polyneuropathy.

When asked if he was “yesterday” by chance, Waszczykowski replied: “Today, but with a serious disease, polyneuropathy, which, among others, has symptoms like limb paresis”.

Polyneuropathy – what is it?

Polyneuropathy, or peripheral neuropathy, is a disease caused by multifocal damage to a peripheral neuron. As a result, mainly motor and sensory functions are disturbed.

Peripheral neuropathy can appear at any age. Its background may be genetic, but polyneuropathy may also occur as a result of certain diseases. It may occur, inter alia, in connection with Lyme disease transmitted by ticks, in porphyria (a rare blood disease), as a consequence of oncological diseases or diabetes. There is also alcohol polyneuropathy, observed in 10-30%. alcohol abusers.

Symptoms of polyneuropathy. What happens when you get sick with it?

A person suffering from polyneuropathy may have a number of symptoms that are related primarily to sensory disturbances and motor dysfunctions. The main symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are:

  1. numbness
  2. tingle
  3. paraesthesia (misguided feeling)
  4. reduced muscle strength
  5. reduced feeling
  6. limb pain

Stinging, burning, pressure or burning sensations, as well as disturbed pain sensation, are less frequently observed in patients with polyneuropathy. Other symptoms of the disease include pressure drops, sweat secretion, vasomotor disorders and constriction of the pupils.

  1. See also: Shocking statement of the minister of health. Doctor: Niedzielski to resign

When the symptoms of various types of polyneuropathy are analyzed, it can be seen that the symptoms are purely physical. These can be nervous tics, asymmetry of one side of the body or various types of pain. However, there are no symptoms on the list of symptoms that are responsible for the functioning of the brain, and therefore what is said and how.

Diagnosis and treatment of polyneuropathy

In order to diagnose polyneuropathy, appropriate tests must be performed. This can be electromyography, genetic testing, or a nerve biopsy. In addition, blood tests, a lumbar biopsy, or a cerebrospinal fluid test may also be performed.

Treatment of polyneuropathy varies depending on the underlying cause. First, the very cause that led to the disease is treated. The second path is rehabilitation aimed at alleviating the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

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